080 - Nelaimes gadījumi, traumas un to profilakse/WHO Reports and Bulletins
- Addressing violence against women and achieving the Millennium Development Goals World Health Organization. Department of Gender, Women and Health. Family and Community Health. – Geneva: WHO, 2005
- Child and adolescent injury prevention a WHO plan of action 2006-2015 / World Health Organization. [Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention]. – Geneva : WHO, 2006
- Department of injuries and violence prevention annual report 2003 . – Geneva: WHO, 2004.
- European report on child injury prevention / Dinesh Sethi … [et al.] – Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2008.
- European report on preventing violence and knife crime among young people / World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe ; editors, Dinesh Sehti … [et al.]. - Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2010.
- European status report on road safety : towards safer roads and healthier transport choices / World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. – Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2009.
- Evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm / World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. – Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2009.
- Global status report on road safety 2013: supporting a decade of action / World Health Organization. [Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability]. – Geneva : WHO, 2013.
- Global status report on road safety 2015 / Geneva : 2015
- Global status report on road safety : summary / World Health Organization. [Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability]. – Geneva: WHO, 2009.
- Global status report on road safety: time for action / World Health Organization. [Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability]. – Geneva: WHO, 2009.
- Global status report on violence prevention 2014 / Geneva : WHO, 2014
- Guidelines for conducting community surveys on injuries and violence / edited by: Sethi D. … [et al.]. – Geneva : WHO, 2004.
- Guidelines for trauma quality improvement programmes / World Health Organization. [Dept. of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability]. – Geneva : WHO, 2009.
- Injuries and violence : the facts / World Health Organization. [Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability]. – Geneva : World Health Organization, 2010.
- Injuries and violence in Europe : why they matter and what can be done / by: Dinesh Sethi … [et al.] ; WHO Regional Office for Europe. – Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006
- Injuries, violence and disabilities : biennial report 2004-2005 . – Geneva :WHO, 2006.
- Injury : a leading cause of the global burden of disease, 2000 / [Peden, M., McGee K., Krug, E. (eds.)]. – Geneva : Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health Cluster, WHO, 2002. .
- International perspectives on spinal cord injury / Geneva, WHO : 2013
- Preventing drowning : an implementation guide. Geneva : World Health Organization, 2017.
- Preventing injuries and violence : a guide for ministries of health / World Health Organization. – Geneva : World Health Organization, 2007.
- Preventing injuries in Europe : from international collaboration to local implementation / Dinesh Sethi, Francesco Mitis & Francesca Racioppi ; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. – Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2010.
- Progress in preventing injuries in the WHO European Region : implementing the WHO Regional Committee for Europe resolution EUR/RC55/R9 on prevention of injuries in the WHO European Region and the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union on the prevention of injury and promotion of safety. – Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2008.
- Strengthening care for the injured : success stories and lessons learned from around the world / World Health Organization. [Department of Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability ; editors: Charles Mock ... [et al.]]. – Geneva : World Health Organization, 2010.
- TEACH-VIP 2 : training, educating, advancing collaboration in health on violence and injury prevention : users’ manual / World Health Organization. – Geneva : WHO, 2012.
- TEACH-VIP : users’ manual / World Health Organization. [Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention]. – Geneva : WHO, 2005. + 1 CD-ROM
- TEACH-VIP : пособие для пользователей / Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения. – Женева : Всемирная Организация Здравоохранения, 2007. + 1 CD-ROM.
- Violence, injuries and disability : biennial report 2006-2007 . – Geneva : WHO, 2008.
- WHO global report on falls in older age . - Geneva: WHO, 2008.
- World report on child injury prevention / edited by Margie Peden … [et al.]. – Geneva: WHO; [New York, NY] : UNICEF, 2008.
- World report on child injury prevention : summary / [World Health Organization]. – Geneva : WHO;[New York, NY] : UNICEF, 2008
- World report on violence against children World report on violence against children / Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro. – Geneva : United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, [2006].
- Европейские факты и доклад о состоянии безопасности дорожного движения в мире 2013 / Копенгаген : Европейское региальное бюро ВОЗ, 2013
- Предупреждение травматизма и насилия : методическое руководство для министерств здравоохранения / Всемирная организация здравоохранения. – Женевa : Всемирная организация здравоохранения, c2007. – 35 с.
- Травматизм и насилие в Европе : в чем важность этой проблемы и что можно сделать : резюме / Европейское региальное бюро ВОЗ. – Копенгаген : Европейское региальное бюро ВОЗ, 2006. – [2], 26 с.