Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

Otrdien, 27. jūnijā, Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Ķīnas studiju centrs aicina interesentus apmeklēt Albertas Universitātes (Kanāda) profesora Rezas Hasmata vieslekciju, datu apstrādes darbnīcu Kā Ķīna redz pasauli 2023. gadā.

Lekcijas apraksts (angļu val.)

While China’s rise as a major power in the 21st century has undoubtedly made it a key player in global affairs, one crucial aspect that deserves further attention is its own citizens’ attitudes towards other foreign jurisdictions. How Chinese citizens perceive the world has profound implications for China’s future behaviour domestically and abroad. While the CPC enjoys a monopoly over the political system, it, nevertheless, requires popular support and legitimacy for its public policies and conduct.

This workshop by prof. Hasmath will present the methodology and the key findings from the first iteration of the Chinese Citizens’ Global Perception Survey (CCGPS). CCGPS 2023 is an online and telephone national survey conducted by the authors, in cooperation with a survey firm in mainland China, in the first quarter of 2023. It provides a demographically representative and statistically valid, candid account of how the Chinese general public view other nations and their relationships with China. The CCGPS 2023 notably examined mainland Chinese citizens’ perspectives on China’s current relations with global actors, including Australia, Canada, the EU, France, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, the UK, and the US.

Lekcija notiks angļu valodā.

Norises vieta


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