Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

2018. gada 2. martā notiks prof. Jērana Pershagena (Göran Pershagen, Karolinska Institutet, Zviedrija) vieslekcija Health effects of air pollution and noise – Experience of studies from Stockholm, ko organizē RSU Aroda un vides medicīnas katedra.

Lekcija notiks angļu valodā.

Pieteikšanās (līdz 28. februārim)

Īsumā par profesoru

Professor Göran Pershagen is head of the Unit of Environmental Epidemiology at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet and senior physician in the Unit of Environmental Medicine at the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Stockholm County Council.

Prof. Pershagen's research is focused on health risks associated with exposure to air pollution and noise as well as on risk factors for asthma and allergy. Molecular biomarkers are extensively used to assess interactions between environmental and hereditary factors as well as to better characterise exposure and health effects. The research is based on a number of high-quality epidemiological studies, including several birth cohorts. An important goal is to identify various causes of disease associated with environment and lifestyle as a basis for preventive measures.

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