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Apvienojot fiziku un medicīnu: "Erasmus" studenšu pieredze
RSU is an active member of the Erasmus+ program – the university has welcomed more than 100 exchange students this academic year from partner universities. Andrea Christina Schneider and Ronja Emely Friede were the first exchange students at RSU in the field of medical physics.
Andrea learning new skills with a laparoscopic surgery simulator. Reparation of simulation devices at the Medical Education Technology Center. The RSU Medical Education Technology Center as an educational playground. At the torchlight procession on 11 November in Riga. Ronja and Andrea managed to see quite a bit of the Baltics together with other exchange students. Ronja and Andrea managed to see quite a bit of the Baltics together with other exchange students. Having trained at swimming in Germany, Ronja joined a swim-team at RSU. Internship at the RSU Medical Education Technology Center. Andrea enjoying a boat trip on Daugava.
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