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The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) International Student Association (ISA) is holding the annual Teddy Bear Hospital at the International School of Latvia, Meistaru iela 2, Piņķi on 23 November from 13:00 - 15:00.

Teddy Bear Hospital is a project organised by RSU ISA, the aim of which is to reduce childhood anxiety about the medical environment, procedures and professionals. This simple role play aims to make children feel comfortable with hospitals and doctors and also improve medical students’ communication skills with children. The children are allowed to treat their teddy bears at a number of different stations e.g. surgery, general practice, laboratory, X-ray etc.                

In recent years Teddy Bear Hospital has introduced a “Dental Clinic” which was held by Dentistry students and is successful in educating the children about oral hygiene. The TBH experience is wonderful for both the University and school students alike.

Students will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the session.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/192260258343188/

Norises vieta

International School of Latvia
