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If you are a prospective applicant, the list below indicates all official Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) representatives abroad. Please choose the corresponding geographic region and find representatives in your home country or city.  Should you wish to apply for studies at RSU with their assistance, or if you just want to find out more about the application/admissions process, feel free to contact them directly. 

If you are a representative of a company that is interested in becoming an official RSU representative abroad, please read the following to find out more about how to initiate and develop cooperation with RSU: 

How to become an official RSU representative abroad


Representative's name and contact information


Medizin Studium im Ausland (MSA)
Ms Sarah Matzenbacher

E-mail: sm@medizin-studium-ausland.de
Phone: +49 (0) 5151-609691354
Fax: +49 (0) 5151-609691358
Hotline: +49 (0) 1805-530531*
(*0,14 € / Min. aus dem deutschen Festnetz. Mobilfunk max. 0,42 €/Min.)
Address: Sertürner Institut, Ostertorwall 12, 31785 Hameln, Germany

MediStart GmbH & Co. KG
Ms Petra Steffens
E-mail: info@medistart.de
Phone: +49 40 41343660
Fax: +49 40 41343661
Address: Neuer Wall 50, D-20354 Hamburg, Germany

futureDOCTOR GmbH 
Mr Phath Rechberger-San
E-mail: rechberger@future-doctor.de
Phone: +43 676 3304481
Address: Stubenbastei 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria


Mr Johan Stenhammar
E-mail: johan@eduplanet.se
Alternate e-mail: medicin@eduplanet.se
Phone: +46 (0) 18551020
Address: Sysslomansgatan 35 A, Box 2097, 75002 Uppsala, Sweden

Nordisk Inntakskontor - Nordic Admission Office  
Mr Thor Kristian Hanisch
Mr Åge Daniel Lie
E-mail: post@medicalstudies.no
Phones: +47 916 94 105, +47 917 15 405
Address: Tangen 11, inngang B, 4. etg., 4608 Kristiansand S, Norway

Blueberry College & Universitet
Mr Steven Engström Kjellén

E-mail: info@blueberry.nu
Phone: +46840888499
Address: Karlavägen 104, 115 26 Stockholm, Sweden


Study Outside Norway (SONOR) - ATTN: Keystone Education  Group
Mr Kjetil Kleivmyr-Sandvoll
E-mail: kjetil@sonor.no
Phone: +47 474 50 512
Address: Rolfsbuktveien 4c & 4d, 1364 Fornebu, Norway 

Mr Johan Stenhammar
E-mail: johan@eduplanet.se, medicin@eduplanet.se
Phone: +46 (0) 18551020
Address: Sysslomansgatan 35 A, Box 2097, 75002 Uppsala, Sweden

Nordisk Inntakskontor - Nordic Admission Office  
Mr Thor Kristian Hanisch
Mr Åge Daniel Lie
E-mail: post@medicalstudies.no
Phones: +47 916 94 105, +47 917 15 405
Address: Tangen 11, inngang B, 4. etg., 4608 Kristiansand S, Norway

Med Head
Alternate website
Mr Peter Zavacky
E-mail: medhead@medhead.eu
Phones: +420778891055, +421910173958
Address: Ulica Andreja Hlinku 30/503, Veľky Saris, 08221, Slovakia

Blueberry College & Universitet
Mr Steven Engström Kjellén

E-mail: info@blueberry.nu
Phone: +46840888499
Address: C/O Keystone Education Group, Karlavägen 104, 115 26, Stockholm, Sweden


ELL Ltd.
Mrs Nargiza Makatsaria
E-mail: nmakatsaria@ell.ge, argizamakatsaria@yahoo.com
Phone: +995 322399246
Fax: +995 322399246
Address: 30a Vazha-Pshavela Ave. 3rd floor, Tbilisi 0177, Georgia

Prime Study
Mr Davit Mikeladze
E-mail: primestudy.geo@gmail.com
Address: Gorgasali street 63, Block 1, 10th Floor, Office 108. Tbilisi, 0114 Georgia


College Contact Gmbh
E-mail: beratung@college-contact.com
Phone: 0049 69 907 2007 30
Address: Hanauer Landstrasse 151-153, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Finde Academic
Mr Kai Schirdewahn
E-mail: info@medizinstudium-in-riga.de
Phone: +49 (0)40 22853541
Address: Erikastr. 90, D-20251 Hamburg, Germany

Academic Embassy
Mr Lars Zimmermann
E-mail: beratung@academic-embassy.de
Phone: +49 (0)228-90871 555
Address: Academic Embassy, Markt 39, 53111 Bonn, Germany

Medizin Studium im Ausland (MSA)
Ms Sarah Matzenbacher
E-mail: sm@medizin-studium-ausland.de
Phone: +49 (0) 5151-609691354
Fax: +49 (0) 5151-609691358
Hotline: +49 (0) 1805-530531*
(*0,14 € / Min. aus dem deutschen Festnetz. Mobilfunk max. 0,42 €/Min.)
Address: Sertürner Institut, Ostertorwall 12, 31785 Hameln, Germany

MediStart GmbH & Co. KG
Ms Petra Steffens
E-mail: info@medistart.de
Phone: +49 4041343660
Fax: +49 4041343661
Address: Neuer Wall 50, D-20354 Hamburg, Germany

Mr Marius Pislea
E-mail: info@eu-medizinstudium.de
Phone: +49 (0)1577 9264032
Address: MCV.Vermittlung. Landshuter Allee 8-10, 80637 München, Germany

futureDOCTOR GmbH 
Mr Phath Rechberger-San
E-mail: rechberger@future-doctor.de
Phone: +49 163 7021066
Address: Stubenbastei 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria


The Study Rooms
Ms Christina Lefkoudi
E-mail: info@thestudyrooms.org
Phone: +30 210-7717000
Address: 10 Kifisias Avenue, Athens, 11526, Greece


Nordisk Inntakskontor - Nordic Admission Office  
Mr Thor Kristian Hanisch
Mr Åge Daniel Lie
E-mail: post@medicalstudies.no
Phones: +47 916 94 105, +47 917 15 405
Address: Tangen 11, inngang B, 4. etg., 4608 Kristiansand S, Norway


MedConnect Europe Ltd
Muhammad Bilal Malik
E-mail: office@medconnecteurope.co.uk
Phone: +44 20 8190 0310
Address: Suite 10836, 26/27 Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin 2, D02 X361, Ireland


Ms Dafina Dicheva
E-mail: dafina.dicheva@u4you.it
Phone: +39 02 76014831
Address: Via Borgogna, 3-20122 Milano, Italy

Elab Education Laboratory
Mr Davide Quinto
E-mail: info@elabedu.eu
Phone: +390689617671
Address: Via Tacito 50, 00193, Rome, Italy


Ms Oksana Pincuka
E-mail: oksana@amda.world
Phone: +37129170740
Address: 16-75 Salnas Street, Riga, LV-1021, Latvia


Baltic Center
Alternate website
Ms Arina Durdina
E-mail: admission@baltic-center.eu
Phone: +371 22169545, +371 67398606
Address: Stabu iela 92-2, Office 2, Rīga, LV-1009, Latvia

The Netherlands

G.E.T. International B.V., trading under the name of Information Planet
Ms Barbara de Wild
E-mail: barbara.de.wild@informationplanet.nl
Ms Tess Vangils
E-mail: tess.vangils@informationplanet.nl
Ms Marianne Schoonderbeek
E-mail: marianne.schoonderbeek@informationplanet.nl
Phone: +31 (0) 768891555
Address: Liniestraat 19, 4816 BG Breda, The Netherlands


Study Outside Norway (SONOR) - ATTN: Keystone Education Group

Mr Kjetil Kleivmyr-Sandvoll
E-mail: kjetil@sonor.no
Phone: +47 474 50 512
Address: Rolfsbuktveien 4c & 4d, 1364 Fornebu, Norway 

Ms Janne Myrhaug
E-mail: janne@eduplanet.no
Alternate e-mail: medisin@eduplanet.no
Phone: +47 23 96 75 00
Address: Lienga 6, 1414 Trollåsen, Norway

Nordisk Inntakskontor - Nordic Admission Office  
Mr Thor Kristian Hanisch
Mr Åge Daniel Lie
E-mail: post@medicalstudies.no
Phones: +47 916 94 105, +47 917 15 405
Address: Tangen 11, inngang B, 4. etg., 4608 Kristiansand S, Norway

Blueberry College & Universitet
Mr Steven Engström Kjellén

E-mail: info@blueberry.nu
Phone: +46840888499
Address: Karlavägen 104, 115 26 Stockholm, Sweden

ONH Education
Ms Anna Nøhr

E-mail: hei@oslonh.no
Phone: +4723233820
Address: Lovisenberggata 13, 0456 Oslo, Norway


Medycyna Słowacja
Alternate website
Mr Peter Zavacky
E-mail: medhead@medhead.eu
Phones: +48881755375, +421910173958
Address: Hviezdoslavova 7, Kosice 04001, Slovakia


Information Planet Portugal 
Ms Ana Paula
E-mail: ana.paula@informationplanet.pt
Mr Joao Colaço
E-mail: joao.colaco@informationplanet.pt
Phone: +351 216 048 022 
Address: Avenida D. Carlos I, 44 - 5º andar, 1200-649 Lisboa, Portugal

My Student Adviser
Mr Carlos Xavier
E-mail: carlos.xavier@msadviser.pt
Phone: +351967381495
Address: Rua José Elias Garcia, 32 A Rc Dto, 2830-348 Barreiro, Portugal


Med Head
Alternate website
Mr Peter Zavacky
E-mail: medhead@medhead.eu
Phones: +420778891055, +421910173958
Address: Hviezdoslavova 7, Kosice 04001, Slovakia


Mrs Leslie Atkinson
E-mail: orientacion@educoway.com
Phone:+34 644 403 404, +34606786532, +34644709100
Address: Calle Almirante Cadarso, 26, 46005, Valencia, Spain

Medicina por Europa
Mrs Africa Bauza
E-mail: info@medicinaporeuropa.es
Phone: +34 611 813 490
Address: 32600 Ourense, España


Mr Johan Stenhammar
E-mail: johan@eduplanet.se
Alternate e-mail: medicin@eduplanet.se
Phone: +46 (0) 18551020
Address: Sysslomansgatan 35 A, Box 2097, 75002 Uppsala, Sweden

Study Abroad Sweden AB
Ms Emelie Nordström
E-mail: emelie.nordstrom@studyabroad.se
Ms Lena Westman
E-mail: lena.westman@studyabroad.se

Ms Hanna Andrén Lang
E-mail: hanna.lang@studyabroad.se
Phone: +46 31 15 10 90
Address: Östra Larmgatan 1, 41107 Gothenburg, Sweden
Address 2: Kungsgatan 33, 7 vån, 111 56 Stockholm, Sweden
Address 3: Per Weijersgatan 4, SE-211 34, Malmö, Sweden

Study Outside Norway (SONOR) - ATTN: Keystone Education Group
Mr Kjetil Kleivmyr-Sandvoll
E-mail: kjetil@sonor.no
Phone: +47 474 50 512
Address: Rolfsbuktveien 4c & 4d, 1364 Fornebu, Norway 

AVISTA Education Sprakresor AB
Mr Anders Akerlund
E-mail: study@avista.nu
Phone: +46 84401630
Address: Sveavägen 62, 111 34, Stockholm, Sweden

Studin - Study International
Mr Jan Norlin
E-mail: jan@studin.se
Ms Elisabeth Öberg
E-mail: elisabeth@studin.se
Phone: +46 (0) 31-13 80 85
Address: Storgatan 25, 411 24 Göteborg, Sweden

Nordisk Inntakskontor - Nordic Admission Office  
Mr Thor Kristian Hanisch
Mr Åge Daniel Lie
E-mail: post@medicalstudies.no
Phones: +47 916 94 105, +47 917 15 405
Address: Tangen 11, inngang B, 4. etg., 4608 Kristiansand S, Norway

Blueberry College & Universitet
Mrs Eva Axelsson Engström

E-mail: info@blueberry.nu
Phone: +46840888499
Address: Karlavägen 104, 115 26 Stockholm, Sweden


Medizin Studium im Ausland (MSA)
Ms Sarah Matzenbacher
E-mail: sm@medizin-studium-ausland.de
Phone: +49 (0) 5151-609691354
Fax: +49 (0) 5151-609691358
Hotline: +49 (0) 1805-530531*
(*0,14 € / Min. aus dem deutschen Festnetz. Mobilfunk max. 0,42 €/Min.)
Address: Sertürner Institut, Ostertorwall 12, 31785 Hameln, Germany

MediStart GmbH & Co. KG
Ms Petra Steffens
E-mail: info@medistart.de
Phone: +49 4041343660
Fax: +49 4041343661
Address: Neuer Wall 50, D-20354 Hamburg, Germany



Hlobal Edvais Ltd. (registered trademark “World Study”)
Mr Oleg Khrystich
E-mail: oleg@world-study.ua
Phone: +380675561361
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv 03039, str. Holosiivska, 17, BC “Morion”, office 503

United Kingdom

Medical Doorway Limited
Mr Benjamin Ambrose
E-mail: ben@medicaldoorway.comhello@medicaldoorway.com
Phones: +44(0)7398 765 159, +44(0)1782 898 151
Address: Queens Gardens Business Centre, 31 Ironmarket, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Staffs, ST5 1RP, UK 

Medlink Students Ltd.
Mrs Victoria Hristova
E-mail: admissions@medlinkstudents.com
Phones: +44(0)2039813913; WhatsApp number (only): +44 7895 243833
Address: 45 Twemlow Ave, Poole, BH148AL, United Kingdom

Representative's name and contact information

Europe Study Centre Pvt. Ltd. 
Mr Abdul Razak
E-mail: admissions.1@europestudycentre.comadmissions.5@europestudycentre.com

Head office:
Mobile: +91 8606111697
Address: Overseas Education Services, CC 36/1951, D 7 to 12, 2nd floor, Kaloor Tower, Opp. A. J. Hall, K. K. Road, Kaloor, Kochi, 682017, Kerala, India

Corporate office – Chennai:
No 20, APEX Chambers – 5th Floor, Thyagaraya Road (near Globus & Nagesh Theatre), T-Nagar, Chennai, 600017, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 044-45513999
E-mail: tn@europestudycentre.com

Office in Bangalore:
No. 26, 5th floor, Akshya Commercial Complex, Victoria Road, Bangalore 560047, India
Phone: +91-9884408286
E-mail: blr@europestudycentre.com

Hamlets Education

Mr Abraham Rajesh
E-mail: abraham@hamletseducation.com
Phone: +919566166659
Address: Leap Geebee Education, D6, 3rd Floor, Doshi Gardens Arcot Road, Vadapalani, Chennai-600026, Tamil Nadu, India

Empire Overseas Education
Mr Nidin Nover
E-mail: nidin.nover@hotmail.com
Address: Second Floor, Netage Arcade, CC No.39, 2559 A, Church Landing Rd, Pallimukku, Ernakulam, Kerala 682016

Qadri International Education Consultancy
Dr Muhammad Yousuf Qadri
E-mail: drqadri@qadri-international.cominfo@qadri-international.com
Phone: +971-4-3351390
Address: 1704 Opal Tower, Abraj Street, Burj Khalifa Blvd, Business Bay, P.O. Box No. 31657, Dubai, U.A.E.

AHASA Consultancy
Mr Dariy Karyakin
E-mail: info@ahasa.eu

Head Office:
Phones: +94 11 343 8377 | +94 70 379 3011
Address: 221/1/1 Borella Road, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka

Europe Office:
Phones: +371 266 299 19
Address: Katolu Iela 35A , Riga , LV -1003, Latvia

DARBAR Study Abroad Consultants
Mr. Abu Sohail ur Rehman
E-mail: siadarbar@gmail.com
Phone: +37126442719
Address: 39-23 Krišjāņa Valdemāra street, Riga, LV-1010

Mr K. C Raj
E-mail: admissions@kcrconsultants.com
Phone: 044- 28361355 / 28361356
Address: # 3, McNichols Road,   Asirvad Apartments, Chetpet, Chennai-600 031, India


Representative's name and contact information


International Travel Education and Business Services (ITEBS)
Mr Mehmet Fatih Yıldırım
E-mail: corporate@itebsworld.net
Phones: +90 (212) 236 53 93
Address: Merter Platform Residence, Haldun Taner Sok. D Blok Daire 47 Tozkoparan, Güngören, İstanbul 34173, Turkey


Hsing Wei Health Trading Co., Ltd
Mr Steven Shou-Te Liu
E-mail: hsingweicoltd@yahoo.com.tw
Phone: +886 2 2945 4777
Address: No.1, Lane 88, Ming Low Street, Yung Ho City, 234 Taipei County, Taiwan

Sri Lanka

Ebiz Consultancy Services
Mr Ansar Gaffoor
E-mail: ebizfirst@yahoo.com
Ms Fathima Suraiya
E-mail: register@ebiz-consultancyservices.com
Phone: +94 112058827, +94 112058837
Mobile: +94 778767987
Address: No. 2B, 46th Lane, Galle Road, Colombo 06, Sri Lanka

AHASA Consultancy
Mr Dariy Karyakin
E-mail: info@ahasa.eu

Sri Lanka Office:
Phones: +94 11 343 8377 | +94 70 379 3011
Address: 221/1/1 Borella Road, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka

Europe Office:
Phones: +371 266 299 19
Address: Katolu Iela 35A , Riga , LV -1003, Latvia

Ceylon Regency Holdings
Dr. Anil Weerasinghe
E-mail: ceylonregencyholdings@gmail.com
Phone: +94 77 1477 007
Address: No. 107, Vijaya Kumarathunga Mawatha, Polhengoda, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka


Hsing Wei Health Trading Co., Ltd
Mr Steven Shou-Te Liu
E-mail: hsingweicoltd@yahoo.com.tw
Phone: +886 2 2945 4777
Address: No.1, Lane 88, Ming Low Street, Yung Ho City, 234 Taipei County, Taiwan
Additional website: www.hsing-wei.com (Singapore)


Hsing Wei Health Trading Co., Ltd
Mr Steven Shou-Te Liu
E-mail: hsingweicoltd@yahoo.com.tw
Phone: +886 2 2945 4777
Address: No.1, Lane 88, Ming Low Street, Yung Ho City, 234 Taipei County, Taiwan
Additional website: www.hsing-wei.com (Singapore)


Hsing Wei Health Trading Co., Ltd
Mr Steven Shou-Te Liu
E-mail: hsingweicoltd@yahoo.com.tw
Phone: +886 2 2945 4777
Address: No.1, Lane 88, Ming Low Street, Yung Ho City, 234 Taipei County, Taiwan


International Travel Education and Business Services (ITEBS)
Mr Mehmet Fatih Yıldırım
E-mail: corporate@itebsworld.net
Phones: +90 (212) 236 53 93
Address: Merter Platform Residence, Haldun Taner Sok. D Blok Daire 47 Tozkoparan, Güngören, İstanbul 34173, Turkey


International Travel Education and Business Services (ITEBS)
Mr Mehmet Fatih Yıldırım

E-mail: corporate@itebsworld.net
Phones: +90 (212) 236 53 93
Address: Merter Platform Residence, Haldun Taner Sok. D Blok Daire 47 Tozkoparan, Güngören, İstanbul 34173, Turkey


Human Capital Foundation (Worldwide Education)
Mr Azizjan Juraboev
E-mail: info@worldwide-education.com
Phone: +998 33 002 40 40
Address: Mirzo Ulugbek District, Salar Buyi 35 A, Oasis BC, Tashkent 100052, Uzbekistan

Europe Study Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Mr Abdul Razak
E-mail: admissions.1@europestudycentre.comadmissions.5@europestudycentre.com

Head office:
Mobile: +91 8606111697
Address: Overseas Education Services, CC 36/1951, D 7 to 12, 2nd floor, Kaloor Tower, Opp. A. J. Hall, K. K. Road, Kaloor, Kochi, 682017, Kerala, India

Corporate office – Chennai:
No 20, APEX Chambers – 5th Floor, Thyagaraya Road (near Globus & Nagesh Theatre), T-Nagar, Chennai, 600017, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 044-45513999
E-mail: tn@europestudycentre.com

Office in Bangalore:
No. 26, 5th floor, Akshya Commercial Complex, Victoria Road, Bangalore 560047, India
Phone: +91-9884408286
E-mail: blr@europestudycentre.com

Gyanberry Training Institute FZ LLC (Gyanberry Study Abroad Services)
Mr Tejas Labhshetwar

E-mail: tejas@gyanberry.com
Phone: +97143689336
Address: Office G26, Block 13, Dubai Knowledge Village, Dubai, UAE

Mr Kamal EL TOM

E-mail: ktom@uniguide.eu
Facebook; Instagram
Phone: +96170500850 or +9616430716
Address: AL NOUR Square, Ghalayini (Ahmad) Center – 4th Floor – Tripoli - Lebanon

Qadri International Education Consultancy
Dr Muhammad Yousuf Qadri
E-mail: drqadri@qadri-international.cominfo@qadri-international.com
Phone: +971-4-3351390
Address: 1704 Opal Tower, Abraj Street, Burj Khalifa Blvd, Business Bay, P.O. Box No. 31657, Dubai, U.A.E.

AK Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Asghar Aftab Khan
E-mail: admissions@akconsultants.org
Phone: +971-508448119

Islamabad office:
Address: 1st Floor, Above Askari Bank, Tulip Service Road, Main GT Road, DHA Phase 2, Islamabad, Pakistan

Lahore office:
Address: FF-04, First Floor, Square One, 110 B3, MM Alam Road, Gulberg 3, Lahore

Dubai office:
Address: Level 42, Emirates Towers Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai, UAE
PO Box 31303


Representative's name and contact information

South Africa

Accera (Pty) Ltd

Ms Ansonette Esterhuizen
E-mail: an.esterhuizen@gmail.com
Phone: (+27) 72 240 7114
Address: Alto level House, 4 Fir Drive, Northcliff, 2195, Johannesburg, South Africa

If you would like to become a representative of Rīga Stradiņš University, please contact: