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Leanne Townsend is Senior Social Scientist and Group Lead of the Land and People group within the Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences department in the James Hutton Institute, Scotland. She has close to 15 years of experience researching rural digitalisation, with a particular focus on rural community and economic development. Currently Leanne is leading research on the role of digitalisation in supporting the resilience of crofts and small farms, as well as exploring the role of digital tools and methods in increasing participation and decision making in nature-based initiatives. She is particularly interested in the role of digital tools in participatory research and communication processes. Leanne will talk about her research on rural digitalisation, focusing on projects in which she explores the role of digital platforms for supporting small-scale and diversified farms, as well as other small businesses operating in rural regions. She will also introduce research exploring innovative methods for more inclusive nature-based solutions and initiatives.


Prof. (Dr. soc.) Miķelis Grīviņš ir RSU tenūrprofesors. Pēdējos desmit gadus pētījis dažādus pārtikas sistēmu aspektus, fokusējoties uz mijiedarbi starp pārtikas apriti un uztura paradumiem, kā arī uz pārtikas politiku un alternatīviem pārtikas avotiem.


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