Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

Trešdien, 6. novembrī, notiks kārtējās RSU Zinātnieku brokastis. Šoreiz temats ir Pētījuma rezultātu izplatīšana.




Brokastu kafija, reģistrācija


Kolektīvās monogrāfijas Zinātniskā rakstīšana un pētījumu rezultātu izplatīšana atvēršana

Veselības psiholoģijas un pedagoģijas katedras vadītajā prof. Kristīne Mārtinsone: “Pirms gada svinējām kolektīvās monogrāfijas atklāšanas svētkus. Tas bija pirmais darbs latviešu valodā, kurā sistemātiski un vispusīgi sniegta informācija par zinātniskās rakstīšanas prasmēm un to pilnveidošanu, kā arī par pētījumu rezultātu izplatīšanu un informācijpratību zinātnē. Pateicoties grāmatas popularitātei, kas ļāva saņemt plašu lasītāju un interesentu atgriezenisko saiti un ierosmes satura papildināšanai, ir sagatavots grāmatas otrais, papildinātais izdevums."


Katarzyna Gaca PhD, Customer Consultant for Central and Eastern Europe ELSEVIER

Scopus: how to choose a good journal wisely?

  • Scopus coverage and selection criteria
  • Journal quality assessment: bibliometric parameters
  • Good practices in choosing a journal
  • On-line workflow examples


Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database containing information on peer-reviewed literature published by more than 5,000 international publishers. The purpose of this tailor-made training is to familiarize researchers, librarians and information specialists with the content, as well as with the available bibliometric parameters within Scopus. Attendees will also learn about the most useful tools and functions incorporated in Scopus, which allow them to make a fully informed and comprehensive choice of the journal in which they may publish. The training includes several on-line workflow examples and the participants are welcome to take an active part.

katarzyna_gaca_zajac.pngKatarzyna Gaca-Zając, PhD Eng. – a graduate of University of Strathclyde, with almost a decade of experience in research and teaching at an academic level in Europe; a specialist in polymer chemistry and studies of chemical reactions’ kinetics. Currently a Customer Consultant for Central-Eastern Europe in Elsevier. A knowledgeable expert on scientific databases and Elsevier solutions for researchers and information specialists, who is passionate about ethics in scientific publishing, as well as about widely understood bibliometrics.




How to successfully write a research paper?

During this training the attendees will learn how to successfully write a good quality research paper, which will resonate well with the scientific community and will allow them to gain recognition. A summary of the best practices in writing will be presented and these are based on experience of researchers, editors and readers. The training is addressed primarily to young researchers, although senior academics are also welcome to attend.

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