RSU notiks vieslekcija par farmācijas vēsturi
Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Medicīnas vēstures institūts30. septembrī ielūdz uz Kolorādo universitātes Denverā emeritētās profesores Mērijas Šeferes Konrojas (Mary Schaeffer Conroy) vieslekciju angļu valodā The Pharmaceutical Industry 1850s-1950s: Cross Fertilization West and East, kas notiks RSU centrālās ēkas (Dzirciema ielā 16) 2. auditorijā.
Lekcija notiks pulksten 8.15 un atkārtoti pulksten 17.00.
Lekcija notiek 27. Baltijas Zinātņu vēstures konferences ietvaros. Plašāka informācija šeit.
Mary Schaeffer Conroy
Dr. Mary Schaeffer Conroy is Emeritus Professor at the University of Colorado at Denver. She has focused her professional research on the politics in Late Imperial Russia and health care in Imperial and Soviet Russia. A popular teacher of Russian and East European history at UCD, she has won many teaching awards.
Cooperation with the Institute of the History of Medicine of the Riga Stradins University started in 2014. The common research topic is on the history of the pharmaceutical industry in the late imperial Russia.