Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

My name is Anna Leonova and I am the Vice-President on the current RSU ISA Board.

I held the position of Assistant to the Head of Academic Affairs on the previous ISA Board and actively worked with representatives from RSU on many academic matters. 

Last year we faced an unprecedented situation around the world, and we all had to adapt to studying in a new way. This year, I want to work to ensure that we get a high quality of studies. My interest is to keep developing the environment at the university for international students. Improving communication with our semester leaders and all academic societies is also very important to me.

Do not hesitate to contact any member of ISA if you have a great idea for a project, or regarding any issues that you encounter throughout your studies. We will provide you with the best support possible!

This year marks the 10th anniversary of International Student Association – let’s celebrate together!

Email: Anna.Leonova@rsu.lv

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
– Walt Disney


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