Welcome, everyone to the new Board of the RSU ISA! My name is Mohamed Naleef and I am the current ISA President.
Having held the position of Liaison Officer in 2020 allowed me to gain an insight into the various networks that run through our University. I plan to make use of that knowledge in order to achieve the goals that the RSU ISA has set, together with this year’s passionate board!
One of our goals this year is to ensure a healthy representation of international students throughout the various university departments whose decisions affect us. In order to achieve that goal we have to admit that we are human, that we aren’t omniscient. Therefore, if you notice something amiss at the University, or among your representatives, please let us know!
Another main focus is information. We will work throughout this year to ensure that all of you are aware the latest news about what is going on at the University, as well as your rights as a student!
If you have any ideas that would benefit the rest of the student population, let us know! We will be with you every step of the way to see that idea through.
Have a great 2021!
Email: Mohamed.Naleef@rsu.lv
Transparency, openness, and commitment leads us to growth and quality.
- Ashoka Das
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