Genomic data
Genotyping array and exome and whole genome sequencing (WES/WGS) data analysis, including quality control and data cleaning, genetic variant calling and functional annotation, adjustment for confounders, imputation, association analyses and visualisation
Transcriptome data
RNA-seq, microarray and RT-qPCR data analysis, including quality control, data filtering, normalisation, differential expression analyses and visualisation. Both protein coding and non-coding RNA transcripts can be analyzed at gene or isoform-level
Microbiome data
16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data quality control, pre-processing, taxonomic classification and down-stream analyses, such as alpha and beta analyses, co-occurrence networks and predictive functional profiling of the microbial communities
Exploratory analyses and visualisation
to detect patterns and trends in the data, to extract meaningful information from the data and to prepare for further inferential analysis and prepare publication-ready figures
Medical image analyses
Collaboration and advice for the design of research projects involving the use of medical images for medical diagnosis and prediction using artificial intelligence, from defining specifications, to deployment and scaling
Data integration
Integrating genetic variants with transcript co-expression patterns, protein and metabolite levels, phenotypic traits, experimental read-outs or clinical patient data