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Study programmes in English

DDDentistrySecond level5 yearsFull time on-site
IIInternational Business and Start-up EntrepreneurshipBachelor’s3 yearsFull time on-site
MMMedicineSecond level6 yearsFull time on-site

Study programmes in Latvian

AAAudio Speech TherapyBachelor’s4 yearsFull time on-site
DDDental HygieneFirst level2 yearsFull time on-site
Dentistry (LV)Second level5 yearsFull time on-site
HHHealth SportBachelor’s2 yearsPart time on-site
Health Sport SpecialistFirst level2,5 yearsPart time on-site
Health, Physical Activity and SecurityBachelor’s4 years / 4,5 yearsFull time on-site / Part time on-site
IIInternational Business and Sustainable EconomyBachelor’s3 yearsFull time on-site
International Marketing and Advertising Bachelor’s3 yearsFull time on-site
International Relations - European StudiesBachelor’s3 yearsFull time on-site
JJJournalismBachelor’s3 yearsFull time on-site
LLLawBachelor’s3 yearsFull time on-site
LawBachelor’s3,5 yearsPart time distance learning
LawBachelor’s3,5 yearsPart time on-site
MMMedical Engineering and PhysicsBachelor’s4,5 yearsFull time on-site
Medical Massage (Liepāja Branch)First level2 yearsFull time on-site
Medicine (LV)Second level6 yearsFull time on-site
MidwiferyBachelor’s4 yearsFull time on-site
Multimedia CommunicationBachelor’s3 years / 4 yearsFull time on-site / Part time on-site
NNNursing (Liepāja branch)Bachelor’s4 yearsFull time on-site
Nursing (LV)Bachelor’s4 yearsFull time on-site
NutritionBachelor’s4 years / 4,5 yearsFull time on-site / Part time on-site
OOOccupational Therapy (LV)Bachelor’s4 yearsFull time on-site
Orthotics and Prosthetics Bachelor’s4 yearsFull time on-site
PPPharmacy (LV)Second level5 yearsFull time on-site
Physician Assistant (Liepāja Branch)First level3 yearsFull time on-site
Physiotherapy (LV)Bachelor’s4 years / 5 yearsFull time on-site / Part time on-site
PsychologyBachelor’s3 years / 3,5 yearsFull time on-site / Part time on-site
Public HealthBachelor’s4 yearsFull time on-site
Public RelationsBachelor’s3 yearsFull time on-site
SSSocial WorkBachelor’s4 years / 4,5 yearsFull time on-site / Part time on-site
Sports and Education SpecialistFirst level2 yearsFull time on-site
Sports ScienceBachelor’s4 years / 4,5 yearsFull time on-site / Part time on-site
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