RSU Council
The RSU Council is an internal governing body responsible for sustainable development and the strategic and financial supervision of the university. The Council is composed of 11 experienced and highly professional members: five representatives nominated by the RSU Senate, five representatives selected in an open competition of the Ministry of Health, and one representative nominated by the President.
Council members
Senior Management
RSU Constitutional Assembly
The Constituent Assembly is the representative body of the University's academic and general staff, as well as of the students.
The Constituent Assembly is elected by the University's staff in open general elections held at joint meetings of the 130-member constituent bodies in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Higher Education Institutions. The Constituent Assembly is composed of representatives of the university, 78 academic staff, 26 general staff, and 26 students. The number of staff in the Constituent Assembly is determined in proportion to the number of staff members in the University's departments. The RSU Senate determines the division of the structural units and the norms of representation in the Constituent Assembly.
RSU Senate
The Senate is the highest academic decision-making body of the University. It is responsible for the excellence, development and compliance with internationally recognised quality standards of the University's education, research and creative activities. The Senate regulates the academic, creative and scientific activities of the University. The Senate protects and ensures the academic freedom of academic staff and students within the framework of the autonomy of the University.
The new RSU Senate was elected on 1 October 2024 at a meeting of RSU Constitutional Assembly. The first meeting of the Senate was held on 22 October 2024.
Chair of the Senate
Head of Department, Department of Surgery
Academic Staff, Department of Surgery
Member, Convent of Councillors
Deputy Chair of the Senate
Director, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
Lead researcher, scientific project manager, Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
Secretary of the Senate
Members of the Senate
Convent of Councillors
Academic Arbitration Court
The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Academic Arbitration Court is a collegial institution that reviews petitions by university personnel contesting administrative acts or actual actions issued by the university. The court considers issues specified in the Law on Higher Education Institutions and the University Constitution, as well as performs other functions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Academic Arbitration Court examines the applications collectively in a group made up of three arbitrators. The submitter of the petition must indicate the parties involved in the dispute, the decision that is being contested or the factual statements of the case, the claim and the facts (documents, digital records, etc.) that substantiate the claim.
The Academic Arbitration Court’s decisions are binding for Rīga Stradiņš University, its staff and institutions.
Decisions can be subject to appeal in accordance with the procedures established by the Administrative Procedure Law.
Academic Arbitration Court Regulations
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