RSU representatives and sector colleagues explore the Alma system in Lithuania
On March 19, representatives of the RSU Library and RSU IT Department, together with colleagues from the Library of the University of Latvia, Scientific Library of Riga Technical University, Fundamental Library of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, National Library of Latvia and The Higher Education and Science Information Technology Shared Service Centre, visited the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Library in Kaunas.
The trip was organised as part of a working group tasked with exploring modern library information and electronic resource management systems available on the market to switch to one of them from the system currently used in academic libraries in Latvia. The working group was created within the framework of the European Union Cohesion Policy Programme for 2021–2027 section "Digitalisation of the study process".
The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Library uses library management system Alma developed by ExLibris, which is used by many libraries around the world. The Lithuanian colleagues talked about the system implementation process, its everyday use and the opportunities for different libraries to cooperate in resource management and delivery to library users. By listening to the presentations by Lithuanian colleagues and discussing various issues in smaller thematic groups, the participants of the trip gained more clarity about how Alma system operates, what are its pros and cons, and the potential for implementing the system in the libraries that participants of the trip are working in.
The participants of the trip express their gratitude to the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Library director Meilė Kretavičienė and the library staff for the warm welcome, prompt cooperation in planning the visit, and the rich information provided!