RSU Research Week. RSU researchers develop new methods to treat viruses RSU in the news, For Students, For RSU Employees, Conferences, workshops, Research, Traditional EventsRSU Faculty of Social Sciences researcher Jana Kukaine receives prestigious International Economic Forum Women’s Award LIEPAWe are proud!, For Students, For RSU Employees, RecognitionRSU to host discussion on mobility, digital platforms, and human connectionsFor Students, For RSU Employees, Internal consolidation, Conferences, workshops, Research, International CooperationThe future of young athletes in Latvia: sustainability challenges and solutions to be discussed at RSU Research Week 2025For Students, For RSU Employees, RSU LSPA, Conferences, workshops RSU Research Week Opening Plenary Session highlights the interaction between medicine, technology, and behavioural scienceFor Students, For RSU Employees, Conferences, workshops, Research, International Cooperation, Traditional Events RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons appears on "Rīta Panorama"RSU in the news, For Students, For RSU Employees RSU and RSU LASE gain valuable insights from Northern European sports universities for the development of new study programmesFor Students, Consolidation, For RSU Employees, Internal consolidation, Development, International Cooperation RSU representatives and sector colleagues explore the Alma system in LithuaniaDevelopment, RSU LibraryNews archiveUpcoming events 26MarRSU Research Week. Roundtable discussion "Networks in Motion: Mobility, Digital Platforms, and Human Relations" 31MarDissertation defence: Laura Valaine 04AprDissertation defence: Renāte Teterovska 07AprDissertation defence: Viktorija Ulanova 09AprGuest lectures by Dr. Caspar Wohlfahrt (University of Oslo) 09AprDissertation defence: Viktorija UlanovaView calendar