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Programme Fact File

Study direction:
Health Care
Second level study programme
accredited until
Degree conferred / qualification obtained:
Medical Doctor (MD)
Language: English
Credit points/ECTS: 240/360
Study location: Rīga
6 years
374 full fee

Why study medicine in Latvia? Our Medicine programme is specifically designed to teach students the core competencies that are required in order to become highly skilled doctors who, upon graduation, are capable of pursuing a wide variety of careers.

Student cooperation and their active engagement in group work characterises the programme. The studies involve working on a series of patient-centred problems that reveal the basic principles influencing human health and disease. Students gain medical knowledge and practical clinical skills through the opportunity to work with patients from the 3rd year onwards.

The Faculty of Medicine offers a professional education and the opportunity to study medicine under the guidance of professors from Latvian universities and hospitals, as well as from abroad. As a student in this programme, you will acquire up-to-date knowledge and skills, which are competitive in Europe and the rest of the world.

Programme booklet

Study environment and methods

The study programme is based on the concept that a doctor is a trained medical practitioner who acts directly or indirectly on human beings through scientifically based medical activities. A doctor's professional activities include prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and medical rehabilitation, the assessment of diseases and the functional limitations these can cause.

The study process includes placements in clinical patient care, internal medicine, surgery, and obstetrics and gynaecology that supplements theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Simulation-based medical education is implemented at the Medical Education Technology Centre (METC), using modern multi-level simulations to improve practical skills in both individual and team scenarios. 

RSU graduates and lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine include people who are successfully working in both Latvian and foreign clinics, at research institutes and international health organisations.

The departments of the Faculty of Medicine coordinate learning in all clinical and theoretical medical disciplines. In cooperation with universities and research institutes of other countries, the faculty departments have become scientific schools and research centres, which ensures the professional quality of teaching staff at RSU.

Study environment

Studies take place in suitable lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories, hospital wards, and study centres. During their studies, students are given free access to a variety of e-resources such as e-books, videos, scientific databases, and other international e-resources.

Students can use the RSU Library, which has been classified as a library of national importance. It provides a unique range of medical literature.

The RSU METC is the only simulation centre in Latvia and the largest in the Baltics. It has the appropriate infrastructure and equipment to ensure that students can acquire and improve their skills, and the centre can implement simulation programmes in various healthcare sectors.

Starting from the 4th semester, theoretical and practical classes take place in well-equipped classrooms at the largest hospitals in Riga.

Some students spend one year of their studies in another European Union country through the Erasmus+ programme. Some of the study courses can be acquired in leading foreign hospitals of the student's own choice. Many Latvian students also voluntarily choose to continue their studies in international groups.

The study programme is comprised of compulsory and elective courses. 

Basic subjects (years 1 to 2)

You will acquire basic medical disciplines. It is important to have a general theoretical knowledge base on which to model an understanding of the human body and its normal functioning. The contents comprise several disciplines from different fields of science (anatomy, histology, embryology, molecular biology, physiology, medical chemistry and biochemistry), as well as the humanities (philosophy, psychology, languages).

Preclinical subjects (year 3)

You will acquire medical disciplines related to pathological conditions and processes, as well as introduction to basic clinical disciplines. The aim is to develop an in-depth understanding of the human body and its functioning in pathological conditions and to develop skills to examine these abnormal conditions. The contents comprise subjects that will broaden the perspective on diagnosis and investigating diseases: pathology, radiology, pharmacology, introduction to clinical medicine, genetics, basics of clinical care, basics of rehabilitation, clinical microbiology, and general surgery.

Clinical subjects (years 4 to 5)

You will acquire clinical disciplines. During this period, studies mainly take place in medical institutions in a real clinical setting. Here you will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills on working with patients in almost all fields of medicine. At the same time, you will be improving your practical skills through simulations at the RSU METC.

Year 6

A clinical-practical study year in which you will spend three placement rotation cycles at medical institutions in internal diseases, invasive medicine, and a subject of your free choice. This will prepare you for general medical practice under the guidance of qualified specialists, as well as for continuing medical studies in residency where it is important to choose a speciality that is interesting and suitable to you. At the end of your studies, you will have to defend your research work and pass the national examination.

Study methods

For more information on the Latvian education system, please see the homepage of the Academic Information Centre.


2. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BFK_0783D Printing in MedicineDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BFK_0773D Technologies for Medical ApplicationsDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BHZK_031Death and DyingFaculty of Social SciencesUldis Vēgners3
BCFUBK_025Experimental Research in Medical ChemistryDepartment of Human Physiology and BiochemistryĀris Kaksis3
BFK_069Foundations of ITDepartment of PhysicsDidzis Lauva3
AMK_071HistologyDepartment of MorphologyMāra Pilmane10
AMK_063Human Anatomy including Dissection CourseDepartment of MorphologyDzintra Kažoka15
BBUMK_007Introduction to EcologyDepartment of Biology and MicrobiologyVilnis Šķipars3
ASZF_125Latvian Language in MedicineFaculty of Social SciencesDace Žibala5
ACFUBK_082Medical BiochemistryDepartment of Human Physiology and BiochemistryDace Reihmane16
AFK_009Medical PhysicsDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins6
BBUMK_013Medicinal Plants and Their UseDepartment of Biology and MicrobiologyRudīte Koka3
BPMUPK_019Mental HealthDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyLelde Logina3
BSUUK_049Nordic WalkingDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyIrēna Upeniece3
BVPUPK_168Pedagogy in Health CareDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyAira Aija Krūmiņa3
BHZK_004Personality PsychologyFaculty of Social SciencesVents Sīlis3
BVPUPK_270Personality Psychology and HealthDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJana Duhovska3
BVPUPK_091Personality TheoriesDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyElīna Akmane3
BHZK_030Phenomenology of the BodyFaculty of Social SciencesMāra Grīnfelde3
ACFUBK_076PhysiologyDepartment of Human Physiology and BiochemistryMaija Rumaka21
BVPUPK_266Self-Efficacy and Self-RegulationDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyLāsma Spundiņa3
BSUUK_204Sports for HealthDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyIndra Vīnberga3
5. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BFK_0753D Modeling for Medical Applications in RadiologyDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BISK_222Advanced Physical ExaminationDepartment of Internal DiseasesValdis Ģībietis3
BPAK_015An Extended Course in Pathology and Morphological Diagnosis of TumoursDepartment of PathologyInese Briede3
BHZK_023Anthropolgy of MadnessFaculty of Social SciencesVents Sīlis3
AKK_037Basics of SurgeryDepartment of SurgeryArtūrs Ozoliņš4.5
BHZK_046Bioethics in the MoviesFaculty of Social SciencesElīna Graudiņa3
BSUUK_032Cardiac Fitness and Strength Training EquipmentDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMārtiņš Mellakauls3
ABUMK_067Clinical MicrobiologyDepartment of Biology and MicrobiologyJuta Kroiča6
AAUVMK_014Environmental MedicineDepartment of Occupational and Environmental MedicineJeļena Reste3
BPMUPK_035Family HealthDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyLelde Smilte-Breča3
BSUUK_117Health GymnasticsDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMaruta Hoferte3
BSUUK_118Healthy Food PreparationDepartment of RehabilitationLiene Sondore3
AISK_217Internal Diseases (Cardiology)Department of Internal DiseasesOskars Kalējs4.5
BVC_149Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 1Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
APAK_044PathologyDepartment of PathologyIlze Štrumfa15
BZFTK_051Pharmaceutical FormulationsDepartment of Applied PharmacyOxana Brante3
AFLK_044Pharmacology and ToxicologyDepartment of PharmacologyMārcis Zeibārts9
BFK_070Physics of Medical Equipment and Nanotechnology IDepartment of PhysicsJeļena Kosmača3
ASVUEK_121Research Methodology and EpidemiologyInstitute of Public HealthMirdza Kursīte3
BJF_487Rights and Obligations of PatientsFaculty of Social SciencesKarina Palkova3
BHZK_050SexualityFaculty of Social SciencesVents Sīlis3
BSUUK_232Sports for Health 2Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyIndra Vīnberga3
6. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BFK_0753D Modeling for Medical Applications in RadiologyDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BISK_222Advanced Physical ExaminationDepartment of Internal DiseasesValdis Ģībietis3
BPAK_015An Extended Course in Pathology and Morphological Diagnosis of TumoursDepartment of PathologyInese Briede3
BHZK_023Anthropolgy of MadnessFaculty of Social SciencesVents Sīlis3
ARAK_018Basics of RadiologyDepartment of RadiologyNauris Zdanovskis1.5
AKK_037Basics of SurgeryDepartment of SurgeryArtūrs Ozoliņš4.5
BHZK_046Bioethics in the MoviesFaculty of Social SciencesElīna Graudiņa3
ASL_001BiostatisticsStatistics UnitMadara Miķelsone3
BSUUK_032Cardiac Fitness and Strength Training EquipmentDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMārtiņš Mellakauls3
AKPUMTK_018Clinical Care and SimulationsDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsOļegs Sabeļņikovs3
BPMUPK_035Family HealthDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyLelde Smilte-Breča3
BSUUK_117Health GymnasticsDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMaruta Hoferte3
BSUUK_118Healthy Food PreparationDepartment of RehabilitationLiene Sondore3
AISK_217Internal Diseases (Cardiology)Department of Internal DiseasesOskars Kalējs4.5
AMF_055Introduction to ResearchFaculty of MedicineRudīte Koka1.5
BVC_149Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 1Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
APAK_044PathologyDepartment of PathologyIlze Štrumfa15
BZFTK_051Pharmaceutical FormulationsDepartment of Applied PharmacyOxana Brante3
AFLK_044Pharmacology and ToxicologyDepartment of PharmacologyMārcis Zeibārts9
BFK_070Physics of Medical Equipment and Nanotechnology IDepartment of PhysicsJeļena Kosmača3
AMDAK_075Placement of Clinical CareDepartment of Nursing and MidwiferyEvija Melbārde3
BJF_487Rights and Obligations of PatientsFaculty of Social SciencesKarina Palkova3
BHZK_050SexualityFaculty of Social SciencesVents Sīlis3
BSUUK_232Sports for Health 2Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyIndra Vīnberga3
7. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BFK_0793D Technologies for Medical ApplicationsDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BRAK_027Artificial Intelligence (AI) in ImagingDepartment of RadiologyMaija Radziņa3
BSL_002Basics of BiostatisticsStatistics UnitIeva Reine3
AREK_221Basics of Medical RehabilitationDepartment of RehabilitationIlla Mihejeva1.5
BHZK_046Bioethics in the MoviesFaculty of Social SciencesElīna Graudiņa3
BSUUK_018Exercises of Various Fitness MethodsDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMadara Aldiņa3
BPAK_016Extended Course in Pathology of Gastrointestinal Diseases (Pathomorphology and Pathological Physiology)Department of PathologyInta Liepniece-Karele3
BAURK_013Extreme and Wilderness MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsViesturs Liguts3
BFK_068Foundations of 3D PrintingDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BBUMK_005Horizontal Gene TransferDepartment of Biology and MicrobiologyInese Čakstiņa-Dzērve3
AIUDK_038Infectology and Laboratory MedicineDepartment of InfectologyLudmila Vīksna9
AISK_213Internal Diseases I (Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Endocrinology)Department of Internal DiseasesJuris Pokrotnieks10.5
BSL_046Introduction to Academic Publishing: From Conceptualization to PublicationStatistics UnitNityanand Jain3
BVC_150Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 1Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
BVC_152Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 2Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
BFK_041Medical Laser PhysicsDepartment of PhysicsLāsma Asare3
BSUUK_090Nutrition for AthletesDepartment of RehabilitationJānis Leitis3
BSUUK_134Nutrition for Health during Various Stages of Life, Functional FoodDepartment of RehabilitationLaila Meija3
ADUGK_002Obstetrics and GynecologyDepartment of Obstetrics and GynaecologyDace Rezeberga 9
AAUVMK_058Occupational Medicine and DiseasesDepartment of Occupational and Environmental MedicineJeļena Reste1.5
AORTK_001OrthopaedicsDepartment of OrthopaedicsAndris Jumtiņš6
AORLK_007OtorhinolaryngologyDepartment of OtorhinolaryngologyGunta Segliņa3
BFK_071Physics of Medical Equipment and Nanotechnology IIDepartment of PhysicsJeļena Kosmača3
BRAK_019Practical Training Course in Abdominal, Thyroid Ultrasonography, and FAST Protocol Using the UltraSim SimulatorDepartment of RadiologyArtūrs Šilovs3
BJF_532Protection of the Rights of Medical PractitionersFaculty of Social SciencesKarina Palkova3
APUNK_005PsychiatryDepartment of Psychiatry and NarcologyElmārs Rancāns4.5
BPMUPK_005Psychosomatic MedicineDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyAnnija Gabriela Roze3
BHZK_050SexualityFaculty of Social SciencesVents Sīlis3
BSUUK_084Sports and GamesDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyIndra Vīnberga3
BISK_231The Role of Digital Health and Health Data in Providing Contemporary HealthcareDepartment of Internal DiseasesIeva Bikava3
BISK_044Topical Issues in Gastroenterology and NephrologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesJuris Pokrotnieks3
BSUUK_281Yoga and Meditation: Current Practices and SolutionsDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyGints Peleckis3
8. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BFK_0793D Technologies for Medical ApplicationsDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BRAK_027Artificial Intelligence (AI) in ImagingDepartment of RadiologyMaija Radziņa3
BSL_002Basics of BiostatisticsStatistics UnitIeva Reine3
APEK_049Basics of Paediatrics IDepartment of PaediatricsValda Staņēviča6
BHZK_046Bioethics in the MoviesFaculty of Social SciencesElīna Graudiņa3
BSUUK_018Exercises of Various Fitness MethodsDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMadara Aldiņa3
BPAK_016Extended Course in Pathology of Gastrointestinal Diseases (Pathomorphology and Pathological Physiology)Department of PathologyInta Liepniece-Karele3
BAURK_013Extreme and Wilderness MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsViesturs Liguts3
BFK_068Foundations of 3D PrintingDepartment of PhysicsJevgenijs Proskurins3
BBUMK_005Horizontal Gene TransferDepartment of Biology and MicrobiologyInese Čakstiņa-Dzērve3
AIUDK_038Infectology and Laboratory MedicineDepartment of InfectologyLudmila Vīksna9
AISK_213Internal Diseases I (Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Endocrinology)Department of Internal DiseasesJuris Pokrotnieks10.5
BSL_046Introduction to Academic Publishing: From Conceptualization to PublicationStatistics UnitNityanand Jain3
BVC_150Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 1Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
BVC_152Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 2Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
BFK_041Medical Laser PhysicsDepartment of PhysicsLāsma Asare3
BSUUK_090Nutrition for AthletesDepartment of RehabilitationJānis Leitis3
BSUUK_134Nutrition for Health during Various Stages of Life, Functional FoodDepartment of RehabilitationLaila Meija3
ADUGK_002Obstetrics and GynecologyDepartment of Obstetrics and GynaecologyDace Rezeberga 9
BFK_071Physics of Medical Equipment and Nanotechnology IIDepartment of PhysicsJeļena Kosmača3
BRAK_019Practical Training Course in Abdominal, Thyroid Ultrasonography, and FAST Protocol Using the UltraSim SimulatorDepartment of RadiologyArtūrs Šilovs3
BJF_532Protection of the Rights of Medical PractitionersFaculty of Social SciencesKarina Palkova3
APUNK_005PsychiatryDepartment of Psychiatry and NarcologyElmārs Rancāns4.5
BPMUPK_005Psychosomatic MedicineDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyAnnija Gabriela Roze3
BHZK_050SexualityFaculty of Social SciencesVents Sīlis3
BSUUK_084Sports and GamesDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyIndra Vīnberga3
AKK_039Surgical Diseases IDepartment of SurgeryJānis Gardovskis6
BISK_231The Role of Digital Health and Health Data in Providing Contemporary HealthcareDepartment of Internal DiseasesIeva Bikava3
BISK_044Topical Issues in Gastroenterology and NephrologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesJuris Pokrotnieks3
BSUUK_281Yoga and Meditation: Current Practices and SolutionsDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyGints Peleckis3
9. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BISK_229Actualities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncological and Hematological Diseases - Immunological, Genetic and Pathomorphological AspectsDepartment of Internal DiseasesSandra Lejniece3
AAURK_040Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. ToxicologyDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsIndulis Vanags4.5
BFLK_047Basic Principles of Clinical Trials and Drug RegistrationDepartment of PharmacologyIrēna Teterina3
APEK_051Basics of Paediatrics IIDepartment of PaediatricsValda Staņēviča3
BREK_224Clinical Rehabilitation in Internal MedicineDepartment of RehabilitationIlla Mihejeva3
BREK_223Clinical Rehabilitation in PaediatricsDepartment of RehabilitationGunta Kristapsone3
BREK_222Clinical Rehabilitation in SurgeryDepartment of RehabilitationIlla Mihejeva3
APEK_050Infectious Diseases of ChildrenDepartment of PaediatricsDace Gardovska3
BVC_151Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 1Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
BVC_153Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 2Faculty of Social SciencesInga Kaija3
BVC_154Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 3Faculty of Social SciencesInga Kaija3
ANUNK_017NeurologyDepartment of Neurology and NeurosurgeryDaina Pastare6
ANUNK_002NeurosurgeryDepartment of Neurology and NeurosurgeryRolfs Ozols1.5
BKK_028Novelties in SurgeryDepartment of SurgeryAndrejs Brikuns3
AAUVMK_058Occupational Medicine and DiseasesDepartment of Occupational and Environmental MedicineJeļena Reste1.5
AISK_030OncologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesIveta Kudaba1.5
AOFK_003OphthalmologyDepartment of OphthalmologyGuna Laganovska3
BMUSZKK_023Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral MedicineIeva Bāgante3
ABKK_002Paediatric SurgeryDepartment of Paediatric SurgeryArnis Eņģelis3
BAURK_034Pain MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsInāra Logina3
BPMUPK_034Personality Structures - Normality and PsychopathologyDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyLaura Bubko3
BSUUK_178PilatesDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyInese Kanneniece 3
AISK_210PneumonologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesMadara Tirzīte3
BISK_208Practical Course in PneumonologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesMadara Tirzīte3
BORTK_004Pre-Clinic OrthopaedicsDepartment of OrthopaedicsRuta Jakušonoka3
AKPUMTK_019Simulation of Emergency Clinical SituationsDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsOļegs Sabeļņikovs2
BDUGK_012Topical Issues in Obstetrics and GynaecologyDepartment of Obstetrics and GynaecologyDace Rezeberga 3
BOFK_001Topical Issues in OphthalmologyDepartment of OphthalmologyGuna Laganovska3
BAURK_047Topicalities in Clinical Toxicology and Emergency MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsIndulis Vanags3
BRAK_022Vascular and Non-Vascular Interventional RadiologyDepartment of RadiologyAina Kratovska3
10. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BISK_229Actualities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncological and Hematological Diseases - Immunological, Genetic and Pathomorphological AspectsDepartment of Internal DiseasesSandra Lejniece3
BFLK_047Basic Principles of Clinical Trials and Drug RegistrationDepartment of PharmacologyIrēna Teterina3
AGMK_002Basics of Family MedicineDepartment of Family MedicineVija Siliņa4.5
AREK_221Basics of Medical RehabilitationDepartment of RehabilitationIlla Mihejeva1.5
ABUMK_068Clinical Immunology and GeneticsDepartment of Biology and MicrobiologyNataļja Kurjāne3
BREK_224Clinical Rehabilitation in Internal MedicineDepartment of RehabilitationIlla Mihejeva3
BREK_223Clinical Rehabilitation in PaediatricsDepartment of RehabilitationGunta Kristapsone3
BREK_222Clinical Rehabilitation in SurgeryDepartment of RehabilitationIlla Mihejeva3
ADVK_003Dermatology and VenereologyDepartment of Dermatology and VenereologyElga Bataraga3
APAK_009Forensic MedicineDepartment of PathologyJolanta Vamze-Liepiņa1.5
AISK_061HaematologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesSandra Lejniece1.5
BVC_151Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 1Faculty of Social SciencesInga Laizāne3
BVC_153Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 2Faculty of Social SciencesInga Kaija3
BVC_154Latvian Conversation in a Medical Setting for International Students - Level 3Faculty of Social SciencesInga Kaija3
BKK_028Novelties in SurgeryDepartment of SurgeryAndrejs Brikuns3
BMUSZKK_023Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral MedicineIeva Bāgante3
ABKK_002Paediatric SurgeryDepartment of Paediatric SurgeryArnis Eņģelis3
BAURK_034Pain MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsInāra Logina3
BPMUPK_034Personality Structures - Normality and PsychopathologyDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyLaura Bubko3
BSUUK_178PilatesDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyInese Kanneniece 3
AISK_210PneumonologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesMadara Tirzīte3
BISK_208Practical Course in PneumonologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesMadara Tirzīte3
BORTK_004Pre-Clinic OrthopaedicsDepartment of OrthopaedicsRuta Jakušonoka3
APMUPK_021PsychosomaticsDepartment of Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyElīna Zelča1.5
AKK_036Surgical Diseases IIDepartment of SurgeryKaspars Zeiza6
BDUGK_012Topical Issues in Obstetrics and GynaecologyDepartment of Obstetrics and GynaecologyDace Rezeberga 3
BOFK_001Topical Issues in OphthalmologyDepartment of OphthalmologyGuna Laganovska3
BAURK_047Topicalities in Clinical Toxicology and Emergency MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsIndulis Vanags3
AKK_005UrologyDepartment of SurgeryVilnis Lietuvietis3
BRAK_022Vascular and Non-Vascular Interventional RadiologyDepartment of RadiologyAina Kratovska3
11. semester
CategoryCourse codeCourse titleStructural unitCourse supervisorECTS
BDUGK_022Basic Ultrasound in Obstetrics and GynecologyDepartment of Obstetrics and GynaecologyNatālija Vedmedovska3
BISK_230Cardiology and Advanced Theoretical and Practical Course in RheumatologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesAnda Kadiša3
BRAK_023Clinical Cases in Radiology: How to get to the DiagnosisDepartment of RadiologyIlze Apine3
BISK_215Clinical Electrogardiography and Introduction to Sports CardiologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesOskars Kalējs3
AKPUMTK_001Clinical SkillsDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsOļegs Sabeļņikovs1.5
BIUDK_035Covid-19 Developments and Predictions, Effects on Humans and Humanity ItselfDepartment of InfectologyLudmila Vīksna3
BDVK_002Dermatovenerology (Pathology Visualisation, Modern Diagnostics, Therapy Possibilities)Department of Dermatology and VenereologyElga Bataraga3
BPUNK_015Diagnostics and Treatment of Psychical Disorders in Primary CareDepartment of Psychiatry and NarcologyElmārs Tērauds3
BISK_211Differential Diagnosis of Endocrine DiseasesDepartment of Internal DiseasesIlze Konrāde3
BISK_002ElectrocardiographyDepartment of Internal DiseasesOskars Kalējs3
BAURK_020Emergency MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsAnastasija Fjodorova3
BISK_214GastroenterologyDepartment of Internal DiseasesJuris Pokrotnieks3
BKPUMTK_003Interdisciplinary Approach to Emergency Medical ConditionsDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsMarina Šarkele3
BISK_219Nephrology: Familiar and Unknown in Practical Differential Diagnostic ContextDepartment of Internal DiseasesAivars Pētersons3
BPEK_059Paediatric NeurologyDepartment of PaediatricsJurģis Strautmanis3
BAURK_050Pain MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsInāra Logina3
BAURK_053Patient oriented and Chinese Medicine systems. Health and PainDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsEdgars Vasiļevskis3
AMF_051Placement Rotation Elective CycleFaculty of MedicineJana Pavāre7.5
AMF_049Placement Rotation in Internal MedicineFaculty of MedicineJūlija Voicehovska9
AMF_050Placement Rotation Surgical DiseasesFaculty of MedicineJānis Vilmanis9
BNUNK_005Practical NeurosurgeryDepartment of Neurology and NeurosurgeryKaspars Auslands3
BPUNK_010Psychological Disorders in Internal Disease ClinicDepartment of Psychiatry and NarcologyĻubova Renemane3
BGMK_003Special Issues of Family MedicineDepartment of Family MedicineVija Siliņa3
BKPUMTK_002Standard Situations in Internal MedicineDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Clinical SimulationsEdijs Šmagris3
BISK_015Topical Issues in Differential Diagnostics of Internal DiseasesDepartment of Internal DiseasesJūlija Voicehovska3
BNUNK_001Topical Problems in NeurologyDepartment of Neurology and NeurosurgeryJānis Mednieks3

Admissions requirements

Study bases

Career opportunities following studies

Upon a successful completion of the six year undergraduate course you will receive your Medical Doctor (MD) degree, which is a primary medical qualification. The MD degree entitles you to continue your professional and academic growth in residency programmes in Latvia, as well as in other countries to train to become a doctor/specialist.

Our graduates have successfully continued their education and professional pursuits in the UK and other EU/EEA member states, as well as in the US (passing, e.g., the ECFMG exams), Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan etc. Each country has its own requirements for foreign medical graduates before they can start practicing medicine, or even continue their education in residency programmes, therefore make sure you check the requirements with your country's Medical Council.

The 6-year programme also grants access to doctoral degree programmes.

* A diploma is a document that attests that you have fulfilled all the requirements of the programme, and it is issued along with a Diploma Supplement, which includes information on the content of your studies as well as your academic performance.

Additional information on accreditation

There is no centralised EU accreditation for Universities in Europe. The Universities, including Rīga Stradiņš University, are accredited locally by the Ministry of Education and Science with international experts present. RSU study programmes receive official accreditation every 6 years. In addition, all RSU study programmes in regulated professions, including Medicine and Dentistry, are developed according to EU directives on regulated professions.

Secondly, given that Latvia has been an EU member state since 2004, The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, usually referred to as the Lisbon Convention, applies also to Latvian universities, including RSU. Beside many others, the main point of the Lisbon Convention is as follows: holders of qualifications issued in one EU member state shall have adequate access to an assessment of these qualifications in another EU member state.

EC Directives to be considered are as follows:

In short, the Lisbon Convention, and the fact that RSU is an officially accredited state University, ensures that qualifications obtained at Rīga Stradiņš University are recognised in all EU and EEA member states.

Further studies

To become a certified doctor you may continue your studies in the Residency in Medicine programme, choosing the profession that suits you.

Studies may be continued in the RSU Master's and Doctoral programmes (Rehabilitation, Public Health, Health Management only availble in English, Doctoral studies are available in Latvian only):

Head of Programme

Contact Information