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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Artūrs Ozoliņš
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Language:English, Latvian
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Surgery


Provide students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge and skills of surgery.


Anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathological physiology, pathological anatomy and microbiology.

Learning outcomes


On completion of the study course students acquire basic knowledge and understanding of:
- Different kind of wounds, wound healing and treatment principles. Incidence of particular types of wounds (gunshot, stab, bite, etc.) and their management. Examination of traumatic wound patients, management, prioritisation and description.
- Modern wound dressings, wound infection, possible infection transmission mechanisms in surgery department, infection reduction, prevention and management methods;
- Basic knowledge of surgical, skin and soft tissue infection management.
- Understanding of antibacterial treatment indications and application principles in surgery, prophylactic antibacterial treatment principles, possible antibacterial therapy complications and complication prevention.
- Insights into the aspects of surgical patient examination, the meaning of the concept "pre-operative epicrisis" and patient preparation for operation.
- In-depth insight into principles and manifestation of bleeding, methods and means of haemostasis, basics of isoserology and transfusion medicine. Summary about blood transfusion requirements and documentation, blood components, blood substitutes and alternatives to blood transfusions.
- Basic knowledge of the principles of surgical operation, types of incisions, surgical instruments, principles of drainage and applicable medical technologies and techniques; most frequent complications of surgical operations and procedures and their prophylaxis, treatment.
- Overview of the classification of postoperative period and patient monitoring, principles of surgical patient nutrition, complications of early and late postoperative period.
- General information about the history of the development of surgery.


Upon completion of the study course, the student will be able to: prepare for surgical manipulations, such as hand scrub, gown and glove procedures; set out the sterile field for primary wound dressing and apply soft wound dressing; follow infection control procedures in a surgical ward; dress simple wounds and prepare a wound for treatment; apply local infiltration anaesthetics; manage suturing material in surgery, tie surgical knots, apply wound closure techniques, recommend temporary and final methods of haemostasis; determine patient blood groups and manage compatibility tests before blood transfusions and complete the appropriate transfusion documentation; examine a surgical patient; describe and evaluate local changes in tissue in surgical patients; manage basic instruments in surgery; know basic principles of access to serous and abscess cavities and give an overview of technologies used in the operating theatre.


On completion of the study course students will be able to discover the source of the hospital infections, will be competent in assessing wounds and their healing process. Students will be able to explain most common bleeding sources, evaluate patient condition as well as advise on methods of temporary and final haemostasis. Students will be competent in principles of transfusion, surgical operation, postoperative management, principles of postoperative monitoring as well as early and late postoperative complications; will be able to distinguish between the skin and soft tissue infections and advise on treatment principles.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Medicine, SSNMF5Master’sRequiredVadims Suhorukovs, Aleksandrs Maļcevs, Baiba Līcīte, Jānis Rudzītis, Jānis Pavārs, Rita Ničiporuka, Artūrs Ozoliņš, Normunds Sikora
Medicine, SSNMFz6Master’sRequiredArtūrs Ozoliņš, Kristīne Pavloviča, Vadims Suhorukovs, Normunds Sikora
Medicine, MF5Master’sRequiredAleksandrs Maļcevs, Rita Ničiporuka, Artūrs Ozoliņš, Normunds Sikora, Vadims Suhorukovs, Baiba Līcīte, Jānis Rudzītis, Jānis Pavārs