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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Vija Siliņa
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


To gain understanding about competences o a family physician and pecularities of patient management in primary health care. Using clinical cases, to learn: a) communication specifics with individuals under lifelong and wholistic care, as well as their relatives; b) syndromologic and nozologic diagnostics, differentialdiagnostics in primary health care; c) intergration of public and individual health promotion and preventive measures; d) team work specifics in primary health care; e) patient management options in primary health care. To introduce with documentation and legislation in primary health care, as well as use of diagnostic equipment in primary health care clinics.


Preclinical theoretical knowledge about the structure and function of the human body (1st, 2nd, 3rd year study subjects), General theoretical knowledge and skills in clinical medicine: propaedetics course, internal diseases, pediatrics, infectious diseases, surgery, neurology, obstetrics-gynecology, psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry-narcology and law basics course.

Learning outcomes


Successful completion of the course will allow to:
• understand the role of family physician in health care;
• define syndromologic and nozologic diagnosis in primary health care;
• draw up investigation/ treatment plan for a patient in primary health care;
• organize individual health promotion and preventive measures, including immunization, cancer screening and lifestyle changes;
• understand team work in primary health care;
• know and apply the equippment most often used for diagnostics in primary health care.


Successful completion of the course will allow student to communicate with primary health care team, patients and their relatives, as well as to use diagnostic equipment, draw-up treatment and examination plan of a patient of all ages in primary health care.


Successful completion of the course will allow student to work in primary health care under a supervision of a family physician.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Medicine, SSNMF10Master’sRequiredValērija Kanuņņikova, Marija Baida, Rihards Lapsa, Sindija Lisa Hīstere, Marija Titova, Gunta Tīcmane, Sandra Gintere, Smuidra Žermanos, Zane Berga, Jānis Blumfelds, Jeļena Daniļenko, Dārta Puriņa, Ludmila Terjajeva, Vija Siliņa, Ilze Skuja, Andris Pūce, Ilze Grauze, Anita Briede
Medicine, MF10Master’sRequiredValērija Kanuņņikova, Marija Baida, Rihards Lapsa, Ainis Dzalbs, Sindija Lisa Hīstere, Marija Titova, Līva Mača, Gunta Tīcmane, Līga Kozlovska, Sandra Gintere, Zane Berga, Jānis Blumfelds, Jeļena Daniļenko, Dārta Puriņa, Ludmila Terjajeva, Vija Siliņa, Ilze Skuja, Andris Pūce, Ilze Grauze, Ksenija Margole, Anita Briede