Actualities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncological and Hematological Diseases - Immunological, Genetic and Pathomorphological Aspects (ISK_229)
About Study Course
• Promote the acquisition of knowledge of haematological syndromes, their pathogenesis and clinical manifestations. Help to raise students’ awareness of the laboratory tests in addition to the examination methods that are used in cases of haematological syndromes. Learn the principles of differential diagnosis and investigation options of haematological syndromes.
• Promote and raise awareness of oncological diseases as a major public health problem that can be controlled.
• Contribute to the knowledge of modern biology and pathogenesis of tumours, of cancer statistics and global trends in cancer incidence and mortality.
• Acquire knowledge of the principles of cancer screening and early diagnostics and early disease prevalence assessment.
• Learn basic principles for diagnosis and treatment of breast, colon and rectum malignancies.
• Learn the diagnosis and treatment of oncological emergencies.
• Learn the pathogenesis of chronic pain syndrome in oncology.
Scheme of hematopoiesis, division and maturation of blood cells. Changes in blood tests, their causes. Pathogenesis of hematological diseases, clinical manifestations, diagnostic and therapeutic principles.
Knowledge in biology, epidemiology, clinical pharmacology, microbiology, histology, anatomy, propaedetics, genetics, knowledge of the national language.
Learning outcomes
1.On successful completion of the course, students will have gained knowledge of the epidemiology of the malignant diseases – incidence, prevalence, mortality, survival, first year lethality, common risk factors and prophylaxis of cancer. Students will learn about endocrine pathologies which develop from diagnostic and treatment procedures of malignant diseases, the latest radiological, morphological diagnostic options; differential diagnosis and treatment options for lung and breast cancer, as well as side effects of systemic therapy and treatment.
1.Upon completion of the study course, students will be able to analyse various epidemiological indicators of oncological diseases, to identify endocrine complications of such diseases and to explain the results of radiological examinations. Students will be able to recognise various lung diseases, assign appropriate examinations, and make the differential diagnosis. Students will be able to recognise various side effects of systemic treatment, assign proper laboratory tests and treatment.
1.On successful completion of the course, students will be able to draw up an investigation plan for haematological diseases, explain laboratory and other additional examination results, differentiate the changes and identify the most common haematological diseases. As a result of the study course, students will be able to analyse various epidemiological indicators of oncological diseases. Will be able to set the diagnosis and select additional diagnostic examination for lung and breast cancer. Students will be able to explain to the patient the side effects of systemic treatment and assign the appropriate treatment.