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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Illa Mihejeva
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation


Acquire knowledge of a modern, holistic view of human health issues (human functioning and its disorders at the level of bodily functions, activities and participation), of rehabilitation goals, medical and social tasks.


Human anatomy and physiology, desirable to have knowledge of medical ethics, propaedeutics and pathology.

Learning outcomes


Upon completion of the study course, students will:
1) have acquired basic knowledge of the aims and objectives of physical and rehabilitation medicine and of human functioning;
2) be able to assess malfunctioning according to the International Classification of Functioning;
3) be able to name the classification of assistive technologies and principles for their selection;
4) have acquired basic knowledge of functioning disorders in patients with different diseases and injuries.


On completion of the study course, students will be able to evaluate impaired functioning, assess the risks of medical complications, and disorders caused by them.


On completion of the study course, students will be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in assessing health and functioning disorders of patients.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Medicine, MF10Master’sRequiredZane Dambe, Anna Lopatina, Agnese Ričika, Zane Liepiņa, Aivars Vētra, Illa Mihejeva, Evija Bērziņa, Odarka Savčenko, Guna Bērziņa, Valērija Grakova, Svetlana Žukova
Medicine, SSNMFz7Master’sRequiredAgnese Ričika, Svetlana Žukova, Valērija Grakova
Medicine, SSNMF10Master’sRequiredZane Dambe, Anna Lopatina, Agnese Ričika, Signe Tomsone, Illa Mihejeva, Evija Bērziņa, Odarka Savčenko, Guna Bērziņa, Svetlana Žukova, Valērija Grakova
Medicine, MF8Master’sRequiredZane Dambe, Anna Lopatina, Agnese Ričika, Zane Liepiņa, Aivars Vētra, Illa Mihejeva, Evija Bērziņa, Odarka Savčenko, Guna Bērziņa, Valērija Grakova, Svetlana Žukova