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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Elīna Blūma
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Dentistry
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine


To increase students’ level of skills, knowledge and competence, giving the opportunity to combine previously acquired knowledge and practical skills in a new quality, raising their level of competence and bringing it closer to the dentistry model of general practice, looking at the patient as a whole, and performing all necessary treatment according to one’s level of competence.


Successfully completed study course for transition to the 9th semester Dental Prosthetics – Clinic ZPK_015
Successfully completed study course for transition to the 10th semester Integrated Dentistry ZPK_026
Successful assessments in clinical study courses: cariology, endodontics, periodontology and dental prosthetics.

Learning outcomes


1.As a result of successfully completing the study course, the student is able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge corresponding to evidence-based decision-making in medical treatment, i.e.:
• will be able to evaluate the patient’s medical anamnesis and the impact of existing diseases on the selected treatment;
• will recognise both individual tooth and bite pathologies;
• will draw up both optimal and alternative treatment plans for the specific clinical situation, justifying the chosen treatment and determining scientifically based long-term forecasts;
• will be able to evaluate the need for the sequence of implementation of the stages of the proposed treatment plan and offer optimal dental treatment and prosthetics;
• will recognise the dysfunctions of the muscles of mastication and the temporomandibular joint, will be able to differentiate them from pathologies with similar symptoms;
• will recognise the causes of tooth wear, will be able to evaluate the associated possible change in the vertical dimension of occlusion and offer restoration options.


1.As a result of successfully completing the study course, the student will be able to independently use both theory and problem-solving skills, i.e.:
• to justify the proposed treatment plan;
• to use terms correctly;
• to assess the pathology;
• to set a long-term forecast;
• to plan the stages of the treatment to be performed and perform the treatment of the patient’s oral cavity and dental prosthetics according to the justified treatment plan.


1.As a result of successfully completing the study course, the student will be able to independently formulate and critically analyse different clinical cases, making informed decisions in the proposed treatment plans, and comprehensively perform this treatment.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry9Master'sRequiredElīna Blūma, Kārlis Krāģis, Emīlija Emija Ešenvalde-Krauze, Emīls Timofejevs, Anastasija Lisa, Rihards Lācis, Arnolds Bite, Daniels Kūms, Anastasija Beibakova, Agnese Breidaka, Māra Gaile
Dentistry9Master'sRequiredElīna Blūma, Kārlis Krāģis, Emīlija Emija Ešenvalde-Krauze, Emīls Timofejevs, Anastasija Lisa, Rihards Lācis, Arnolds Bite, Daniels Kūms, Anastasija Beibakova, Agnese Breidaka, Māra Gaile
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry 9Master'sRequiredElīna Blūma, Kārlis Krāģis, Emīlija Emija Ešenvalde-Krauze, Emīls Timofejevs, Anastasija Lisa, Rihards Lācis, Arnolds Bite, Daniels Kūms, Anastasija Beibakova, Agnese Breidaka, Māra Gaile