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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Kristīne Vende-Kotova
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:All levels
Target audience:Biology; Business Management; Civil and Military Defense; Clinical Pharmacy; Communication Science; Dentistry; Health Management; Information and Communication Science; Juridical Science; Law; Life Science; Management Science; Marketing and Advertising; Medical Services; Medical Technologies; Medicine; Nursing Science; Pedagogy; Person and Property Defence; Pharmacy; Political Science; Psychology; Public Health; Rehabilitation; Social Anthropology; Social Welfare and Social Work; Sociology; Sports Trainer
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:General Psychology; Psychology


To provide students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge about the concepts of the health behaviour, the main theories/models of health behaviour and the main theories of the mind-body connection, as well as to develop skills of using these concepts in future professional activities.


Not required.

Learning outcomes


1.Students define the notion of health behaviour; they compare and evaluate different theories and models of health behaviour; describe fundamental principles of main theories of health behaviour; describe signs and indicators of stress; analyse health-promoting and health risk behaviour; explain the role of healthy lifestyle.


1.Students use terminology acquired during the course, apply knowledge to analyse individual health-related behaviour and possible health behaviour goals; students use theories and models of health behaviour in planning possible strategies of health behaviour improvement or change; use techniques of self-regulation.


1.Students are able to assess health behaviour of a person and to formulate goals of health behaviour change; students are able to explain and motivate the chosen health promotion strategies in accordance with health behaviour theories and models.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry2All levelsLimited choiceGunta Freimane, Kristīne Vende-Kotova
Dentistry4All levelsLimited choiceGunta Freimane, Kristīne Vende-Kotova