Urban Labs for Better Health for All in the Baltic Sea Region – boosting cross-sectoral cooperation for health and wellbeing in the cities (Healthy Boost)
This will be achieved through:
- enhancing co-creation and enabling citizens participation in planning of the policies for health and wellbeing,
- improving cross-sectoral cooperation in the BSR cities in order to enable city administration to provide integrated policies for better citizens’ health and wellbeing and
- enhancing the innovativeness of the city administration around the BSR to respond better to current and future complex challenges of health and wellbeing in the municipalities.
The main output of the project will be a model for effective cooperation for cross-sectoral urban policies for health and wellbeing, incl. other sectors, citizens and SMEs – developed on the health and wellbeing cases and further generalized to address the other aspects of the urban life. Also, a tool for self-assessment of the needs, values, participatory capabilities, motivation, willingness and best practices of the cities in crosssectoral cooperation for health and wellbeing. At the end Baltic Sea Region policy recommendations will be written on cross-sectoral urban policies for health and wellbeing – lessons learned during the project generalized for the use of other cities in the Baltic Sea Region.
Project Partners
- City of Turku (Finland) - Lead partner from 01.03.2019
- Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
- Lithuanian University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
- Jelgava Local Municipality (Latvia)
- Riga Stradiņš University (Latvia)
- City of Poznan (Poland)
- Suwalki Municipality (Poland)
- Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (Poland)
- Vesterbötten County Council (Sweden)
- Association Healthy cities,districts and villages (Russia)
- Science Park Technopol (Estonia)
- Tartu City Government (Estonia)
- City of Helsinki (Finland)
- Klaipeda City Public Health Bureau (Lithuania)
- Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association (Finland) - Lead partner and partner until 01.03.2019.
Project total financing 2 534 507.85 EUR, including 1 894 858.83 EUR ERDF financing and 147 220,00EUR ENI and Russia financing.
Researchers of RSU Institute of Public health leaded the developement of tools for cross-sectoral cooperation in the project and materials are available in English (and other languages) in a section of the official project hompage: https://www.healthyboost.eu/materials.