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How can you identify fake news? How can you check if information is true? By using the best Google fact-checking tools!

You are welcome to attend this guest lecture by an experienced expert if you are interesting in learning how!

On 1 March Marek Miller, a lead researcher at Google in Warsaw, will be giving a lecture at RSU. The lecture will be in English, and the topic is ‘Using Google tools for fact-checking.’

The expert will reveal some of the best known examples of fake news which have been widely published on international news sites, and about situations when fake facts have made their way into media. We will find out which are the most effective and most comfortable tools for fact-checking, and how to best utilise various tools available online free of charge (e.g. picodash,, the wayback machine, suncalc, video news debunker).

It is not possible to work in the fields of information and communication without the ability to identify fake news!

Marek Miller (pictured) has been working in media for over 15 years. He has worked at one of the largest regional publishers’ Polska Press Group, collaborated with INMA (International News Media Association) for many years, and has organised conferences and masterclasses for journalists. Marek currently works as a media expert at Press, the leading Polish media industry publication. He is passionate about new technologies.




1. auditorijā