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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Elīna Akmane
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation


To develop the creative potential in terms of visual art, to promote recognition and evaluation of one's experience of creating art, to introduce the language of art. Develop spontaneity, creativity, self-reflection abilities. To develop knowledge, skills and competence about the use of artistic language, signs, images, symbols, metaphors, interpretation, methods of discovering symbolic meaning in art therapy. Develop an understanding of the historical development of art therapy in Latvia and the world in general and in specialization. To develop an understanding of the diversity of theoretical positions and basic principles. To develop the ability to choose and use arts-based assessment and evaluation tools appropriate to the specificity and functional difficulties of the client/patient group, to develop an understanding of the criteria for evaluating the results of art therapy.


Professional activity in arts therapy and its legal fundaments (term 1), Assessment principles and process in arts therapy (term 2).

Learning outcomes


1.In the entire study course "Visual plastic art therapy I": Name the facts about the history of the development of art therapy in the world and in Latvia in general and in specialization, understanding the various stages of the development of art therapy and naming important persons related to them; explains the basic principles of various theoretical approaches of psychology and psychotherapy and their application and expression in art therapy in specialization; names and describes various visual art techniques; explains the concepts of sign, image, symbol, metaphor; names and describes art-based evaluation and assessment tools in the specialty, explains and justifies their application to different patient/client groups; understands ethical considerations regarding assessment and evaluation in art therapy; explains general concepts in the context of profession and specialization in order to develop professional language.


1.In the study course "Visual Plastic Art Therapy I": Integrates the main facts about the history and development of art therapy both in the world and in Latvia, understanding its various stages and being aware of the contribution of important figures in the field; explains and integrates the basic principles of various psychological and psychotherapeutic approaches, applying these principles in the context of art therapy in his specialty; creates works of art in various visual art techniques and understands the nature of these techniques; knows how to apply knowledge about the concepts of sign, symbol and metaphor in art therapy in the context of specialization; understands and knows how to apply art-based assessment and evaluation tools in art therapy in specialization; knows how to justify the application of art-based evaluation and assessment tools to different groups of patients/clients; apply ethical considerations in art-based assessment and evaluation processes in art therapy in specialization; can apply general concepts in art therapy and in specialization and integrate them into professional language.


1.In the study course "Visual Plastic Art Therapy I": Integrates the main facts about the history and development of art therapy both in the world and in Latvia, understanding its various stages and being aware of the contribution of important figures in the field; able to choose the appropriate psychological and psychotherapeutic approach, applying these principles in the context of art therapy in their specialty; able to apply various visual art techniques, understanding the nature of these techniques; able to apply knowledge of the concepts of sign, symbol and metaphor in art therapy in the context of specialization; able to apply art-based assessment and evaluation tools in art therapy in specialization; knows how to justify the application of art-based evaluation and assessment tools to different groups of patients/clients; apply ethical considerations in art-based assessment and evaluation processes in art therapy in specialization; applies general concepts in art therapy and specialization and integrates them into professional language.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Art Therapy2Master'sLimited choiceElza Strazdiņa, Elīna Akmane, Ilze Plūme