Post-Graduate Examination in Foreign Language (DN_197)
About Study Course
To evaluate the skills of oral and written foreign language and to assess the knowledge of foreign language for the purposes of doing social sciences research in English according to aspects of text formation, grammar, linguistic structures, and terminology.
Knowledge of foreign language [English] (B2-C1 levels according to CEFR – the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Learning outcomes
Doctoral students will know the linguistic peculiarities of language for research purposes (terminology, specialised lexis, grammar, textual aspects, pronunciation) and identify what language means are used to organise an adequate written and oral text in social sciences for the purpose of international communication in the foreign language.
Doctoral students will be able to write and construct a grammatical and stylistically adequate scientific text, they will be capable to improve the quality of the written text with the help of analogous and digital language resources. The doctoral student will be capable to use topical terms of the discipline, they will be able to explain them in the foreign language; besides, they will be able to explain the choice of the topic, to characterise the content, the process of the study, hypothesis, aim and objectives, and main conclusions in the foreign language. In line with the pragmatic goal of the study and the informative genre of the scientific text, doctoral students will be able to present a coherent, logically structured written text. Doctoral students are capable to give an oral presentation about their studies to the target audience with the usage of adequate linguistic and textual means. Doctoral students are capable to structure an oral speech according to the principles of scientific communication in the foreign language in order to be able to participate with written texts and oral presentations actively and confidently in international research by following the principles of scientific and linguistic cultures, and academic ethics.
Doctoral students will evaluate the scope and diversity of language resources, and they will critically select grammatical, phonetic the resources for the production of the content and text in written and oral scientific discourse thus constantly improving their linguistic competence for the communication of science internationally. Doctoral students will integrate linguistic skills and knowledge in their professional research activities by solving relevant tasks (the preparation of international publications, presentations in seminars and lectures internationally) in their careers as researchers with a vision and aim to foster high level linguistic competence in the global intercultural network of research communication.