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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:20 / 30
Course supervisor:Juris Zīvarts
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Civil and Military Defense; Law
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Law


To strengthen and deepen the knowledge obtained at the RSU Faculty of Law, and to improve one’s professional skills. It is necessary for the Master’s student to get acquainted with the activity of a particular institution in the field of economic security and to acquire the practical skills of the head of an organisation in economic security.


Theoretical knowledge mastered within the programme.

Learning outcomes


Knowledge about: 1. the activities, direction of development, and strategy of the organisation; 2. the legislation governing the activities of the organisation; understanding of how the legislation is drafted and applied in the specific field of professional activity and taking into account the specifics of the field concerned; 3. legal problems and economic security problems related to daily operations of the organisation and the possibilities of solving them; 4. the case law and latest scientific considerations about the selected area; 5. developments of organisation’s activities in the field of economic security; 6. the specifics of organisational management.


1. to independently prepare draft legal acts and other legal documents relevant to the specifics (functions) of the organisation; 2. to define the strategic and tactical goals of the organisation’s activities; 3. to determine the persons involved in the particular situation, the rights, duties and responsibilities of those persons; 4. to think critically and make decisions based on the available information, solve the practical tasks of a moderate and higher degree of difficulty; 5. to take responsibility and to express initiative in the performance of the placement tasks.


1. independently formulates and analyses legal problems, justifies opinions and decisions, analyses the effectiveness of the organisation’s activities and management; 2. plans the work to be carried out within the organisation and evaluates the quality and strategic impact of their implementation in further work; 3. demonstrates understanding and responsibility for the potential impact of their activities on the organisation and economic security in general; 4. evaluates own professional experience and develops independently; 5. follows current events in the industry; 6. know the research methods in the industry; 7. communicates with industry professionals and a wide range of stakeholders about current events in the industry.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Economic security, EDM 3Master’sRequiredLidija Juļa
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Economic security, EDNM 4Master’sRequired
Economic security, EDMz 3Master’sRequired