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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Līga Ēriksone
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Medical Services
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Educational sciences


To provide students with knowledge about digital literacy and the development of information technology. To get a general idea of medical information search possibilities, library resources, as well as to promote and deepen skills in searching for medical and health care information in online databases and open access medical information resources, in selecting, evaluating, processing and applying the obtained information in the process of creating study papers. To create an understanding of research terms, categories, research approaches and theories, as well as to be able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical work, engaging in research and projects in the field of healthcare and social welfare.


Basic computer skills, knowledge of the national language and English. Information technologies. Knowledge of the masseur's work environment and work tasks.

Learning outcomes


1.After successfully completing the requirements of the study course, students will have acquired knowledge that will allow them to recognize and evaluate high-quality, reliable, evaluated and scientific information resources. Students will demonstrate information search tools and resources, create an appropriate information search strategy and apply critical evaluation to the information found. Students will be able to recognize and describe the importance of research in the masseur profession, as well as be able to name and describe research principles, ethical aspects and regulatory legal acts. Will know and understand the importance of digital competence in the work environment. Students will be able to describe the types of research design and the cycle of research work. Will describe the research problem, topicality and basic research principles, as well as be able to identify the necessary tools for the research.


1.As a result of studying the study course, students will be able to work independently with electronic resources, apply advanced search skills in searching for electronic information. Will perform an in-depth search for information in e-books, online databases, PubMed database of world-cited journals, create precise search strategies and save the results. Students will improve their digital skills related to managing data, information and digital content. Students will know how to use digital technologies, create a personal profile in information resources, adjust their actions according to copyright and licenses, and also know how to find and cite authors for digital content. Will know how to acquire, create, edit, structure and analyze digital content. Will know how to adapt digital environment, devices and protect digital content. As a result of the study course, the student will be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, will be able to analyze research works, determine scientific categories, set a research goal and organize the course of the research, achieving the research result. Will use research methodology and terminology. Will be able to engage and participate in research.


1.Students, applying the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, will be able to perform a qualitative, evaluated search for information. Will independently analyze information search opportunities and situations, as well as create an appropriate search strategy. Critically analyze the reliability and usefulness of the information found, its relevance to the topic and the specific situation, and create complete reference lists. Will be able to fit into the digital environment and prepare the necessary digital content materials for work. Will be able to constantly analyze scientific literature and conduct practical research.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Medical Massage3First levelRequiredLīga Ēriksone