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The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Doctoral School has the pleasure extend an invitation to everyone interested to attend the webinar 'The process, pitfalls and challenges of publishing in peer-reviewed journals: Strategies for success and dealing with feedback and rejection' by visiting professor Rico Isaacs on Thursday, 26 October.

Brief overview

Publishing in a peer-reviewed journal for the first, or anytime for that matter, can be an arduous and daunting task. In this talk, Prof. Rico Isaacs will discuss the process of publishing in an academic journal, addressing some of the pitfalls and challenges along the way. He will offer advice and tips on how to manage and negotiate the process, different publishing strategies, preparing papers for submission, dealing with the editor and reviewers to manage feedback and rejection, and on managing the promotion of your work once published. Prof. Isaacs is the editor of the world leading peer-reviewed journal in Central Asian studies, Central Asian Survey, and his talk will also take you behind the scenes to provide insight into the editorial perspective of the process. 

The lecture will be held in English and is intended for RSU staff and students.

About the lecturer

Rico Isaacs is a professor of International Politics at the University of Lincoln in the UK. His research interests lie at the intersection of authoritarianism, nationalism, and populism with a specific focus on the post-communist space, especially Central Asia. Specifically, his research concerns three areas: the formal and informal institutional basis of support for authoritarian rule; the construction and contestation of nation-building policies and discourses; and the relationship between populism and ecological crisis. He is the author Political Opposition in Authoritarianism (Palgrave 2022), Film and Identity in Kazakhstan (Bloomsbury 2018), and Party System Formation in Kazakhstan: Between Formal and Informal Politics (Routledge 2011), as well as authoring several edited volumes, an introduction to politics textbook and many journal articles.


He also currently serves as editor of the leading peer-reviewed journal within the field of Central Asian Studies, Central Asian Survey. Prof. Isaacs has been awarded funding for his research from the British Academy, the European Union, the British Council, and the Leverhulme Trust among others. He is often invited to give public lectures, provide comment to the media, and offer consultancy services for private and research institutes working on the Central Asian region.

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