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About Study Course

Department: Department of Nursing and Obstetric Care
Course supervisor:Kristaps Circenis
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Nursing Science
Language:Latvian, English
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Health care sciences and services


To promote and develop an understanding of the role of care professionals in evidence-based healthcare systems, practices, care organisation and education, to promote knowledge and skills for evidence-based policy and practice, to develop the ability to critically analyse and translate state-of-the-art research into current issues.


Medical ethics, nursing diagnoses and nursing process, nursing theory, microbiology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, medical care and the history of science, care organisation and management.

Learning outcomes


1.On completion of the study course students know and understand the components of nursing and health care practice and education, the influencing conditions, the regulatory mechanisms and the development perspective. The student is able to describe and compare infection control policies and principles at different levels, understands differences in information perception among patients/members of the public, understands and describes WHO active aging policies, and interacts with different factors in the aging process. Knows elements of patient safety system.


1.As a result of the study course students are able to assess the importance of scientific method in nursing practice, explain the relationship between theory, research and evidence-based practice, search for evidence in online databases, critically analyse research articles based on the level of evidence, synthesize evidence to make clinical decision. Students are able to identify and analyse the main problems in the development of nursing and health care practice and to offer solutions. The student is able to apply infection control guidelines and the development of nosocomial infections and restrictive measures in medical institutions. Able to analytically evaluate and shape patient/community education process. Is able to apply the basic principles of the WHO active aging policy to characterise a person's situation. Is familiar with patient safety legislation and systems.


1.Are able to collect literature, the latest evidence-based sources, analyse and integrate knowledge of contemporary problems in nursing and care science in Latvia and the world. Are able to independently formulate a research question in the field of health care; to obtain, select and analyse information of research in accordance with the principles of scientific methodology.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Nursing Studies1Master'sRequiredAgita Melbārde-Kelmere, Kristaps Circenis, Ilona Zariņa, Eva Cela, Dorota Maria Kilańska, Signe Tomsone, Gunta Bēta, Ieva Antonsone