Diplomatic Protocol and Business Etiquette (SZF_032)
About Study Course
Learning outcomes
1.Knowledge of the importance of business etiquette and diplomatic protocol in official communication between countries and officials. Knowledge of the structure of the diplomatic and consular service, the competence of honorary consuls. Knowledge of official gift selection criteria and presentation etiquette, knowledge of the principles of holding an official meal, as well as the role and responsibilities of the guest of honor. Students will gain knowledge of bereavement etiquette, including condolence book design and condolence etiquette. Students will be given knowledge about behavior in reception. Students will gain knowledge about the types of business cards and the etiquette of their use, the etiquette of telephone calls, knowledge of dress codes. Theoretical knowledge will be strengthened in seminars by performing practical tasks.
1.Skills to apply behavioral norms and non-verbal gestures in official communication with official representatives of different countries in both business and diplomatic environments. The ability to organize official events, visits and meals, the ability to welcome and serve guests according to protocol, to draw up a business correspondence document and to make protocol lists. The skill of making a line of flags according to the etiquette and making a group of people for the official photo.
1.As part of the study course, students will supplement their competence in diplomatic protocol as a set of special norms regulating international relations, get an idea of its meaning and practical expression, and also gain broader competences about the importance of business etiquette in business communication.
Study course planning
Study programme | Study semester | Program level | Study course category | Lecturers | Schedule |
International Relations - European Studies | 5 | Bachelor | Limited choice | Sintija Stipre |