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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:16 / 24
Course supervisor:Lidija Juļa , Lidija Juļa
Study type:Part-Time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Civil and Military Defense; Law
Study course descriptionFull description, Part-Time
Branch of science:Law


As part of drafting of the Master’s thesis, the student masters the ability to work independently with economic and legal literature, legal norms, judicial and other institutions’ practices, develop scientific research skills and strengthen the ability to present and discuss the specific subject and defend own conclusions and proposals. The main objective is to strengthen theoretical and practical knowledge in line with the requirements of the speciality.


Knowledge and skills learned during the studies.

Learning outcomes


To strengthen knowledge of the scientific research methods and their application opportunities. To identify problems in the selected area and to search for a justified solution. To deepen understanding of economic security and placement news in the selected area.


To use and analyse different types of sources (including databases). To consecutively analyse theoretical and practical considerations, to argument own opinion. To present own research, to justify its significance, topicality and application.


Is able to independently formulate and critically analyse theoretical and practical problems of economic security related to the Master’s thesis. Demonstrates the skill to justify own conclusions and provide specific proposals for resolution of identified problems and improvement of the legal regulation.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Protection of economic security, EDAMN 3Master’sRequiredLidija Juļa
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Protection of economic security, EDAMN 4Master’sRequired