Library History
2024 | In September, the Library branch in the Medical Education Technology Centre closes. From 1 July, RSU is joined by the Latvian Academy of Sports Pedagogy and the library of the Latvian Academy of Sports Pedagogy is incorporated into the structure of the RSU Library and established as the RSU Library Service Point at the Latvian Academy of Sports Pedagogy. The RSU Library organises the 19th European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Conference "Small Step and a Giant Leap: Reorienting Towards a New Environment" on 11-14 June 2024 at the National Library of Latvia. |
2023 | RSU Library joins the Association of European Research Libraries LIBER and the OpenAIRE network. |
2022 | RSU Library participates in the development, testing and administration of the Study Material Repository. Within the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project in the adult education sector "Medical information literacy" (2019-2021), in cooperation with medical librarians from the Baltic States, a training material - e-book "Medical information literacy" and a training programme have been developed. Application for the European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) 2024 conference has been submitted (application approved). |
2021 | RSU Library is accredited as an official state level library by Accreditation Committee (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia). Created Support for research. Library leads working group RSU for developing guidelines for the RSU Open Access Institutional E-Resource Repository. |
2020 | RSU Current Research Information System (ZDIS Pure) - Research Information Management System. Library System Administrator starts administering RSU Open Access Institutional E-Resource Repository. |
2019 | Library starts to lead working groups for the development of three important RSU documents: RSU Open Access Policy, RSU Institutional Open Access Repository Policy, RSU Scientific Publishing Guidelines (documents approved in 2020 and 2021) |
2018 | In cooperation with the European Commission, the European Documentation Center has been established at RSU and located in the Library. |
2017 | The Unified information search engine Primo was implemented, that allows the simultaneously search for information in the Library's catalog, subscribed online databases and Open Access databases. |
2016 | On 2nd September, after renovations, access to the Free subscription service is launched, and rooms for individual and groupwork are open for use. RSU Library is accredited as an official state level library by Accreditation Committee (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia). |
2015 | On 4th May the Cross of Recognition is awarded to Director of the Library Ināra Aploka, for significant contribution to the development of and leadership of library operations in the RSU library. |
2013 | On 4th June the new branch of the library is opened in the RSU Medical Education Technology Centre at 26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga. The branch was closed in the summer of 2024. |
2006 | On the 5th of April Director of the Library, Ināra Aploka, was awarded the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia gratuity for purposeful management of the Library and development of its information services. |
2005 | RSU library is accredited as an official state level library on September 9, 2005 and the Library Accreditation Committee visits to find out about the resources and services of the Library. The Latvian Library Council (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia) accepted the conclusion of the Library Accreditation Committee about RSU Library - to accredit the Library as an official state level library (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia Accreditation Certificate No. 7 from 26.09.2005). |
2004 | January 15: RSU Library is registered in the Library Register of the Ministry of Culture (LR). Registration Certificate No. 523, registration No. BLB0523 Notably active cooperation with ESU - English Speaking Union office in Latvia (started in 2001). The total amount of the grant is LVL 7558.95. The last and also the greatest donation contains fiction and English language teaching materials. At the end of the year was signed an Agreement and the WHO Documentation and Information Centre in Latvia - structural unit at the RSU Library - is accredited as the WHO Depository Library in Latvia. LATLIBNET project libraries (incl. RSU Library) are engaged in the "State United Information Network of the Libraries" project. |
2002 | Library users: 4036, staff: 32, stock: 316511 items. Renamed as Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Library The library takes an active part in introducing Quality Control System at the RSU (standards LVS EN ISO 9001:2000 and LVS EN 45013:1989) |
2001 | Professor Haralds Voskis: library consultant, receives the first LATLIBNET project Unified Reader’s Card |
2000 | March 24: opening of the Union Catalogue at the National Library The first processed and presented report at the 8th International Congress of Medical Libraries in London (also 7th EAHIL Conference in July) |
1999 | In order to improve yield of information and interchange speed was installed a new, more high-powered (2 Mb/sec) radio-link for the whole university. To provide the new information technologies in the framework of project LATLIBNET were got 30 computers, printers, etc. Presentation of WHO Documentation and Information Centre. |
1998 | In September was opened Library Information Centre (IC) In the IC is incorporated the World Health Organization (WHO) Documentation and Information Centre in Latvia In October in the framework of state project LATLIBNET started introduction of a new library information system ALEPH-500 (Automated Library Expendable Program used in about 1250 institutions in 52 countries). |
1997 | Framed the home page of Library (third after the Latvian Academic Library and Riga Technical University Scientific Library) |
1996 | The library joins European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) as an institutional member The library starts acting in longterm state project “LATLIBNET” together with 7 largest libraries of Latvia The aim of the project: to form one library information network in the country |
1995 | The library becomes an institutional member (INST 838) of the British Medical Association (BMA) library The library’s "Readers' Club" established |
1994 | First library project for the Soros Foundation. Internet link for the Library and the University installed, first CD-ROM data bases created First participation in the International conference in Oslo (4th EAHIL Conference) The library becomes a member of the Association of Latvian Academic Libraries |
1993 | Computerisation of the library (third library in Latvia) by introducing the home-made (in Latvia) bibliographic information system ALISE (Advanced Library Information Service) |
1992 | The first computer at the library (program for book-acquisition and cataloguing "Compass") Dependent-library opened at the teaching hospital "Linezers" (soon grew into an independent hospital library) |
1990 | Remains only one dependent-library at 17, Marupes Street Renamed Library of the Medical Academy of Latvia - AML (Academia Medicinae Latviensis) First overseas students inaugurated (autumn) |
1988 | Library moved to the new building of Riga Medical Institute at 16, Dzirciema Street |
1980 | Opened two new dependent-libraries: No. 2 Library for dentists at 20, Dzirciema Street No. 3 Anatomical Theatre (9, Kronvalda Blvd.): textbooks for junior students |
1960./70. | One dependent-library (No.1) at 17 Marupes Street -Student Hostel. 59 Department and Laboratory sub-branches (on the principles of public administration). Library has the Inter-Library Loan Department. |
1951 | Library users – 782; staff units – 2; stock – 25 305 items. |
1950 | In the middle of December, upon the establishment of Rīga Medical Institute (RMI) on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia, the library of the Faculty was reformed into the Library of RMI. The first librarian was Ms Auguste Labane. Location: 12 Padomju Blvd. (now Zigfrīda Annas Meierovica Blvd.)., apt. 5, personal apartment of the previous house-owner Mr Kristaps Morbergs (1844-1928). |