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A guest lecture by Heides Weishaar, themed 'Public Health policy matters: The power of policy analysis', will be held at Rīga Stradiņš University Wednesday, 6 November.

The lecture will start by giving background on public health policy and policy analysis and situating it as a topic and method within public health sciences. It will then delve deeper into theories of political decision making and interest representation. Two studies will be used to illustrate the power of policy analysis for understanding and improving public health: The first study employs a mixed method analysis to investigate the development of European tobacco control policy. The second study applies a comparative, cross-country perspective to analyse governance structures for risk communication and community engagement in the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation will conclude by highlighting the added value of policy analysis in public health research.

About the lecturer

PhD, MSc Heide Weishaar (pictured) is deputy head of the Evidence-based Public Health Unit (ZIG2) of the Centre for International Health Protection at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, the German national public health institute. She is a senior public health researcher with expertise in health policy and systems research, global health, and research methods. Heide is responsible for ZIG2’s work on capacity development in global health research. In this function, she leads several externally-funded capacity development projects, is responsible for the professional development in research methods of ZIG2 staff as well as external partners, and is the RKI’s contact point for the Berlin Global Health PhD Programme.


Heide’s academic work focuses on policy analysis, health communication, non-communicable diseases, and migration and health and mainly applies qualitative and social network research methods. Heide has held research posts at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, UK, and at the Hertie School of Governance, Germany. She holds an MSc and a PhD degree from the University of Edinburgh, UK, and a BSc from the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Heide has won several awards and is an alumna of the Foundation of German Business and the German National Academic Foundation.


Hippocrates lecture-theatre

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