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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Vija Sīle
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Sports Trainer
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Philosophy; Ethics


To learn regulatory ethics in connection with the basic principles of professional ethics and their application in the practical activities of sports coaches, to develop an ethical attitude towards colleagues, clients and cooperation partners that meets the criteria of professional competence.


Corresponding to secondary education.

Learning outcomes


A sports coach will know the basic principles of professional ethics, his rights, duties and responsibilities according to the criteria of professional competence. Will identify and interpret expressions of ethical attitude depending on the moral subject, will know the most important differences between moral and legal regulation, will define and use basic concepts. Will be able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in conflict resolution.


Students will be able to use morally correct reasoning to justify their position or opinion; analyze situations of moral dilemmas; evaluate and find a morally adequate solution to cases from practice, using the learned basic principles of ethics; solve conflict situations effectively and in accordance with the requirements of professional ethics, will be able to take responsibility and initiative for organizing and managing teamwork, will promote further education and self-improvement processes of subordinates.


Argumentation and communication competence, information processing competence, participation competence in the development of the professional field, the ability to evaluate one's own and one's subordinates' activities in accordance with professional ethics.

Study course planning

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