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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Beāte Livdanska
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Political Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Politics; International Politics


To provide basic knowledge on the role of International Institutions in global politics, their structure and principals of functioning in the areas of international security, economy, promotion of social welfare, human rights protection and sustainable development.


Basic knowledge of international processes, acquired in the first three semesters of the bachelor's study programme.

Learning outcomes


Students acquire the following knowledge in this course:
• basic knowledge of the principals, forms and problems of international institutions work;
• understanding of the different theoretical approaches to the study of international institutions;
• ability to describe and analyse the work of international institutions in specific cases;
• understanding of the principals on the classification of international institutions in accordance to their structure, functioning principals and areas of work.


Skills students are expected to acquire in this course:
• the ability to decipher different approaches to the study of international institutions;
• analytical skills in studying the work, obligations and weak spots of international institutions;
• to present the results of student individual work.


Overall competences students acquire:
• the ability to pose arguments and to discuss logically the role of international institutions in global politics and the challenges that they face;
• be able to apply students academic knowledge in the evaluations of the work of specific international institutions;
• to use overall principles of institutional functioning in the analysis of specific organizations;
• to produce essays and individual paper as a body of analytical work.

Study course planning

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