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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:12 / 18
Course supervisor:Valdis Voins
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Person and Property Defence
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Law; Theory and History of Rights


The aim of the Bachelor’s Thesis is to strengthen and develop theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilitiesin accordance with the requirements of the professional higher education study programme “Police Work”, as well as to prepare students for further studies in rofessional Master’s study programme.


Successfully mastered all the study courses, including completed and defended Semester Papers I, II and III, finished Placement I (1st Part), Placement I (2nd Part) and Placement II (in Specialisation).

Learning outcomes


During the development of the Bachelor's paper, students add to the knowledge of the research development, methodology and issues related to the topic of the Bachelor's paper.


Successful defence of the Bachelor’s Thesis indicates the student’s ability to work with legal sources on a regular basis, to draft a research plan (structure) according to the chosen topic of the Thesis, to determine the scope of the research, to analyse the opinions of other authors, drawing conclusions and suggestions, as well as it proves the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical skills according to the requirements of the study programme.


Upon passing the National Examination and successful defence of the Bachelor’s Thesis, the graduate obtains the right to continue their studies in the Master's degree study programmes.

Study course planning

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