Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (VPUPK_046)
About Study Course
To develop postgraduate students' understanding of cognitive and behavioural therapy, the applicability of its principles in the professional activity of a psychologist, especially in health care; to develop basic cognitive and behavioural therapy skills and competencies related to case formulation, as well as the application of appropriate cognitive and behavioural techniques when working with anxiety and mood disorders.
Study courses ‘Clinical Psychology’, ‘Research of Cognitive Processes and Personality’, ‘Psychological Counselling (individual and systemic approach)’ completed.
Learning outcomes
Understand the theoretical basis of cognitive and behavioural therapy methods and the key principles of the application of basic cognitive and behavioural methods in work with clients. Distinguishes situational, cognitive, behavioural, emotional and physiological responses, describes the differences between them and describes the mechanism of their interrelationship. Explains various cognitive and behavioural methods (Socratic questioning, gradual acclimation, behavioural experiments, etc.) and conceptually describes the purpose and rationale for their use. Explains the basic principles of formulating CBT treatment cases. Describes evidence-based methods for working with mental disorders.
Students implement psychological support using evidence-based methods. Students demonstrate skills in establishing contact with a client to begin the process of psychological support. In case analysis, the client's needs and problems is evaluated in accordance with the basic principles of cognitive and behavioural therapy, perform basic assessment and case formulation skills. Student defines the problem and the objectives of the CBT. Selects and applies the most appropriate methods/ techniques for providing psychological support, to identify negative automatic thoughts, middle and basic beliefs. Distinguishes between irrational and rational beliefs. Explains the connection between thoughts and emotions. Evaluates and restructures own negative automatic thoughts and average beliefs. Evaluates the result of providing psychological help. Demonstrates skills in establishing therapeutic relationships and formulating a case in cooperation with a client in a simulation situation.
Based on the client's life history and information related to the specific problem, independently develops a conceptualisation of the case and determines appropriate cognitive and behavioural intervention strategies in cases of anxiety and depression. Links cognitive psychotherapy concepts to real life situations. Uses cognitive and behavioural techniques to identify, evaluate, and restructure negative automatic thoughts.