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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Inese Paiča
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


To develop and improve the competence necessary for the profession of art therapist to perform self-reflection, to provide and receive feedback. Provide professional supervisor support for clinical practice with individual patients and patient groups.


Assessment principles and process in arts therapy; Personality and development psychology; Individual consultancy in arts therapy and psycho-dynamics; The basic principles of art therapy process for various groups of patients.

Learning outcomes


Name, explain and theoretically characterise the most significant theoretical concepts, guidelines and empirically substantiated principles of art therapy, which form the basis for the art therapy for dealing with patients individually and in groups in psychiatry, rehabilitation and social care. Name and explain the theoretical substantiation for various art therapy techniques, methods and interventions for dealing with individual patients and patients in group in differing environment. Theoretically characterise the basic principles of collaboration, while being in touch with a patient and/or his/her carers and the specialists, working in workplaces/practice locations.


According to the biopsychosocial approach, evaluate the patient, set and formulate appropriate aims and tasks of art therapy, choose theoretical approaches according to which an art therapy process is planned for the respective patient, taking into account the specificity, age and possible risks of the group of patients; integrate AT aims in multi-disciplinary teamwork; choose and use suitable AT methods, techniques and interventions; analyse and assess the art therapy process; execute protocols; elaborate recommendations; explain the AT results to the patient and/or their parents/carers and other specialists.


Use in practice AT methods, techniques and interventions according to the specificity of the group of patients and AT goal; organise and conduct AT process; analyse AT dynamics and interpret AT results; use patient's reflection and give feedback on the creative process and result; recognise their own professional restrictions and possibilities; adhere to the professional ethics; analyse their own experience in the practice diary.

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