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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:1 / 1.5
Course supervisor:Inga Krēvica-Rozenberga
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Raising awareness and knowledge of the care of pregnant women and women, pregnancy and childbirth pathology, gynecological diseases.


Anatomy, physiology and pathological physiology, pharmacology, interaction and ethics.

Learning outcomes


The student is able to describe the female genital anatomy; understands the menstrual cycle and hormonal regulation; is able to name contraceptive methods; gains awareness of contraception, foetal development, explains physiological and pathological labor; understands the key principles of labor assistance in cases of abnormal labor; is able to perform differential diagnosis at acute gynecology understands; care for gynecology, major gynecological diseases in children and adolescents.


As a result of studying the course, the student learns and practically knows: to describe the anatomy and physiology of female genitalia; to explain the physiology of the menstrual cycle to the woman; to describe the physiology of conception and foetal development; to demonstrate on maternity biomechanics; to assess pathology during pregnancy, to address problems in various clinical situations – pregnancy,, post-natal in gynecological diseases; are able to explain the need for examinations, interpret the results obtained, prescribe examinations, evaluate pre-cancer diseases, benign and malignant tumors.


Students are able to assess physiological and pathological labor, are practically able to accept labor in the prefrontal and posterior forms of the head, diagnose pathology in early pregnancy, critically assess emergency conditions and provide the necessary care (ensure primary resuscitation). Is able to provide care for a gynecological patient, a pregnant woman, a child with different clinical procedures, to arrange medical records.