Scientific Research Paper (DN_163)
About Study Course
Department: Department of Doctoral Studies
Credit points / ECTS:78 / 117
Course supervisor:Kristīne Mārtinsone
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Psychology
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Psychology; General Psychology
Scientific research provides for the doctoral student’s independent writing of the doctoral thesis under the supervision of the supervisor of doctoral thesis.
Groundwork in research.
Learning outcomes
On successful course completion, the doctoral student acquires knowledge about writing a doctoral thesis, research strategy and design of the thesis.
The doctoral student will be able to perform scientific research work in the field of psychology, incl. to determine the work strategy, to create the research design, to select special literature, to compile the material, to choose the appropriate theory and method, to formulate the conclusions.
Professional competence in psychology. To carry out modern, original research in the science of psychology.
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