Labour Law (SUUK_014)
About Study Course
To provide students with an understanding of European Union and Latvian employment policy, labor protection and labor law, their nature, content and meaning, to understand the functions of workers' and employers' organizations, negotiations between the parties as the basis of labor relations, labor rationing, changes in biological abilities with age; to provide knowledge of the possibility of out-of-court and out-of-court redress.
General basics of law.
Learning outcomes
Students will acquire knowledge in the preparation of documents necessary for the protection of the interests of employees and in the settlement of disputes in court. As a result of the study course acquisition students will be able to identify legal problems related to the implementation of labor law and to find ways and forms for their implementation.
Students will be able to navigate the labor law, labor protection law and EU directives in the field of employment.
Students will learn to deal with specific situations in labor disputes.