Integrated Dentistry (ZPK_017)
About Study Course
Enhance the level of students' skills, knowledge and competence by allowing them to combine previously acquired knowledge and practical skills in a new quality, raising their level of competence and bringing them closer to the general practice dental model, looking at the patient as a whole and carrying out all the necessary treatment according to their level of competence.
Successfully completed study course Prosthetic Dentistry - Clinic (ZPK_015) (4.8.) to be transfered to 9 th semester.
Successfully completed study course Integrated Dentistry ZPK_017 (5.9.) to be tranfered to 10th semester.
Successful evaluations in clinical study courses: cariology, endodontics, periodontology, and dental prosthetics. Radiology.
Successfully completed previously completed all study courses.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the study course, the student is able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge corresponding to evidence-based decision making in medical treatment, i.e.:
• will be able to evaluate the patient's medical history and the impact of existing illnesses on the selected treatment;
• recognise both individual tooth and bite pathologies;
• draw up both optimal and alternative treatment plans for the particular clinical situation, justifying the chosen treatment and setting scientifically based long-term forecasts;
• will be able to evaluate the necessity of the implementation of the proposed treatment plan stages and to offer optimal dental treatment and prosthetics;
• recognise dysfunction of the musculature and temporo - mandibular joints, be able to differentiate them from pathologies with similar symptoms;
• recognise the causes of tooth wear, be able to assess the associated possible change in the vertical dimension of occlusion, and offer options of restoration.
On successful completion of the study course the student will be able to use both theory and problem solving skills independently, i.e.:
• justify the proposed treatment plan;
• properly use the terms;
• evaluate pathology;
• establish a long-term prognosis;
• plan the stages of the treatment to be performed and treat the patient's oral cavity and dental prosthesis according to the justified treatment plan.
On successful completion of the study course, the student will be able to independently formulate and critically analyse different clinical cases by making informed decisions in the proposed treatment plans, as well as to complete the treatment.