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About Study Course

Department: Department of Nursing and Obstetric Care
Credit points / ECTS:5 / 7.5
Course supervisor:Kristaps Circenis
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Psychology; Pedagogical Psychology


Facilitate the acquirement of the latest theoretical knowledge on education psychology and methodological questions and to facilitate the use of this knowledge in health care.


Pedagogy, General Psychology.

Learning outcomes


As a result of the course students gain knowledge and an understanding on educational psychology and methods, sub-sectors and courses, tasks, research problems, motivation and various types of motivating during the process of learning, learning outcome assessment types and self-assessment.


Will be able to analyse problems of the learning process and make appropriate changes to improve the process of learning, create a motivating and an appropriate learning environment, cooperate and lead communication within the frameworks of learning process.


After completing the study course students will be able to apply the gained knowledge and skills in their professional activities, situations related to the process of education.