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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Līga Jaunozoliņa
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Roentgenology and Radiology


To develop understanding of the physical basis of various radiological examination methods, such as radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, scintigraphy, positron emission tomography, basics of image interpretation, diagnostic possibilities, as well as clinical indications and contraindications. Understand their use and possibilities in most common pathology diagnostics.


Basics of physics, human normal anatomy, physiology, pathology.

Learning outcomes


Upon completion of the course students are familiar with radiological methods, resolution capabilities, indications for the examinations. Understand the ionising radiation and it’s biological effect.


Students are able to recognise the radiological images of organs; see the pathological changes and recognise the most frequent diseases in general radiological images.


Students are able to analyse radiological descriptions and images, can recognise the most frequent diseases and their radiological signs.

Study course planning

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