The symposium Fibromyalgia in Focus: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of its Complexities and Impact on Society will explore the challenges associated with fibromyalgia, including its potential as an autoimmune disease, challenges in diagnosis and new treatment strategies. Discussions will be held on what may lie beneath fibromyalgia symptoms and this often misunderstood diagnosis.
Additionally, the event will highlight innovative approaches to treatment, including the use of medical marijuana, disease-focused physical activity programmes and the important link between fibromyalgia and mental health. One of the sessions will be dedicated to patients and will involve fibromyalgia patients themselves.
Researchers and clinicians from Latvia and Israel will participate in the event.
RSU internal and RSU with LSPA external consolidation, No., Grant “Exploring the Autoimmune Dimensions of Fibromyalgia: Deciphering Microbiome, Viral Triggers, and Immunological Patterns to Promote a Patient-Centered Approach”, No. RSU-PAG-2024/1-0009
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