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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Ivars Kronis
Study type:Part time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Juridical Science
Branch of science:Law; Civil Rights


To acquaint students with the principles, rules, main problems and differences of civil procedure from other branches of procedural law. To improve students’ knowledge of procedural and civil law, to acquaint students with the terminology of the field. To prepare students for practical work with civil procedural documents and participation in a court hearing. In order to achieve the objectives of the study course, the following tasks shall be fulfilled: To study laws and regulations related to civil procedure and to get acquainted with literature, as well as publications and case law in civil procedure. To analyse and prepare various civil procedural documents independently. To carry out independent work aimed at promoting creative thinking within the science of law.


Introduction to Civil Law, Logic, History of Latvian Law, Administrative Law, Legal Theory, Legal Methods.

Learning outcomes


The student is able to demonstrate the basic knowledge of civil law sub-branch – civil procedure (to formulate basic principles of civil procedure and basic concepts of civil procedure law, to understand the purpose of civil procedure regulation, the practical necessity of separate special regulations) and specialised knowledge (to describe basic procedural rules governing submission and jurisdiction of civil disputes, costs of proceedings, procedural time limits, competence of participants in the matter, evidence, proceedings before the court of first instance: bringing an action, security for a claim, adjudication, court decisions, settlement, special features of certain categories of proceedings, special adjudication procedure, judicial fulfilment of obligations, appeals, cassation, arbitration proceedings, execution of court judgments, international civil proceedings). In addition, the student is able to demonstrate a critical understanding of the aforesaid knowledge, and some of the knowledge on civil proceedings must correspond to the highest level of achievements. The student is able to demonstrate understanding of the most important concepts and regularities in the field of civil procedure.


The student is able to use the theoretical foundations of criminal procedure learned and skills acquired during the study process, to formulate and analytically describe information, problems and solutions in the sub-discipline of civil law – civil procedure, to explain these and to discuss in a reasoned way with specialists and non-specialists. The student is able to use the skills of applying the Civil Procedure Law in practice, using the theoretical foundations and skills of the civil procedure acquired during the course. Understands the place of civil procedure in the legal system. The students is able to analyse practical situations, understanding the nature of applicable provisions of the Civil Procedure Law. The student has acquired verbal and written communication skills on the issues of civil procedure law. The student is able to orientate themselves in the case law and apply the findings thereof.


The student is able to apply the legal provisions of the Civil Procedure Law in practically solving legal cases and giving theoretical opinions on the relevant issues. The student is able to use the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for professional and personal development. The student is able to obtain, select and analyse information independently and use it for drawing up legal documents. The student is able to make decisions and solve problems in the civil law sub-branch – civil procedure – and the scope of professional activity of a lawyer.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Law Science, TZNz4Bachelor’sRequiredValdis Savickis