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Apply for studies in EnglishIn order to apply for studies in English at RSU, please follow these seven easy steps.

1. Choose the study programme

Read the available information about the study programmes that RSU offers in English and choose the study programme that you are interested in.

Once you have chosen the study programme, find out about the admission requirements, application process and Admissions Procedure.

2. Apply for studies

Fill in and submit your application online via

Please double-check if you have uploaded the necessary digital application documents onto the e-Admissions Portal. Please check the Application Guide to ensure that you have uploaded all documents that you need to apply for your chosen study programme. 

After the application is submitted digitally, you will receive an automatic e-mail from us with further instructions.

When the online application has been submitted, please send an e-mail to with your online application NUMBER (your application page, top right corner) and your NAME, SURNAME. This will allow us to register your application. You will receive a confirmation e-mail when we have checked and registered your online application.

Do not forget to check the application period start date and deadline, complete your digital application and upload all documents that you need to apply for your chosen study programme onto the e-Admissions Portal. 

For any enquiries, please contact the International Admissions Office at


The online application must be complete (all necessary documents mentioned on the Application Guide for each respective study programme uploaded onto the e-Admissions Portal). Incomplete applications will not be considered!
3. Wait for the results

The decision of the RSU International Admissions Committee (IAC) will be announced a maximum of two months after we have received the complete digital application. You will be informed about the decision of the RSU IAC via e-mail (as an e-mail text without attached files (.PDFs)). The exact same information is also available on your online application (at the top of the form; right above your personal information).

If the IAC decision is positive, you will receive an RSU Offer of Study Place which provides you with important information about the offer itself, study related details (study programme, semester dates, confirmations, cancellation, etc.) and payments for studies. Please follow the instructions given in the Offer of Study Place. 

If the IAC decision is negative, you will receive an RSU Rejection Letter


Please be careful when entering your contact information in the online application form, to make sure we can contact you!
4. Make the tuition fee payment and other relevant payments

To confirm your study place, make the tuition fee payment indicated in the Annex 1 of the official RSU Offer of Study Place and the registration administrative fee payment indicated in the Registration Administrative Fee Payment Letter within the deadlines stated in the letters. The payments shall be made within two (2) weeks after the registration date of the offer of study place (except for cases when RSU sets a different payment deadline due to a valid reason). Information about the payment deadline will be included in the offer of study place, the Registration Administrative Fee Payment Letter and e-mail on the results of the competition.

  • Tuition fee;
  • Registration administration fee EUR 1800.00 (non-refundable).
5. Prepare for arrival

After you confirm your study place, you will receive several information e-mails (welcome e-mails) from us with relevant information about the studies, Orientation Week etc. You will be able to sign up for different events taking place during the Orientation Week and also state your study group preferences.

When you arrive in Riga to start your studies, group changes are no longer possible! Please inform us about your study group preference before the beginning of the academic year.
6. Register for studies and sign the study contract

Registration for studies and signing of the study contract takes place during the Orientation Week (the last week before the official start of the semester). If you arrive later, please come to register to the International Admissions Office immediately upon arrival.

7. Congratulations! You are now a student of RSU!

Prepare for your studies, check your study timetable, start using the RSU student information systems, get to know your group mates, etc.

Make sure you know where your first class is, and arrive there on time! Please see here for information about the RSU Study Bases.

Good luck with your studies! Remember, we are here to help you!