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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Inguna Griškevica, Ingūna Griškēviča
Study type:Full time
Target audience:Dentistry; Medical Services; Psychology; Juridical Science; Public Health; Sports Trainer; Clinical Pharmacy; Sociology; Pedagogy; Social Anthropology; Political Science; Person and Property Defence; Management Science; Marketing and Advertising; Pharmacy; Information and Communication Science; Social Welfare and Social Work; Life Science; Nursing Science; Civil and Military Defense; Law; Rehabilitation; Medicine; Medical Technologies; Biology; Health Management; Communication Science; Business Management
Branch of science:Psychology; Psychology of Personality


To develop understanding of psychological assessment and psychological research methods, types of psychological assessment instruments, their application conditions and specifics of interpretation of results, as well as to provide the possibility to perform self-exploration tasks participating in different research projects, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of oneself based on the obtained research results.



Learning outcomes


Describe scientific methods' basic stages of psychological research. Describe psychological research instruments. Plan data acquisition in the study. Describe the ethical principles of psychological research.


Present the research project/ research idea and discuss it. Apply ethical principles in the process of psychological research. Make meaningful conclusions about research results. Reflect on research results. Collaborate with other students. Perform self-study. Provide feedback.


Perform psychological research within their competence and analyse the results of self-exploration. Provide correct feedback based on the results of psychological research. Perform self-reflection.

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